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The Wedding of Mademoiselle Roquefort

Елизавета Хейнонен (2021)
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Юная мадмуазель Рокфор обращается к частному сыщику с просьбой спасти от гильотины ее возлюбленного, обвиняемого в убийстве. Книга рассчитана на широкий круг читателей, обладающих словарным запасом не менее в одну тысячу английских слов. Она содержит большое количество диалогов, написанных современным английским языком. Все диалоги снабжены подробными комментариями к отдельным словам и речевым оборотам. Комментарии должны помочь читателю лучше чувствовать и понимать иностранный язык, а также существенно расширить свой словарный запас. Правильность понимания текста можно проверить, сравнив свой перевод с прилагаемым русским текстом диалогов.


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Mathilda Roquefort, the daughter of Baron and Baroness Roquefort

Marie, her maid

Meanwhile, in Mathilda’s room, another conversation took place.

Mathilda: What time is it, Marie?

Marie: Ten o’clock, Mademoiselle.

Mathilda: Ten o’clock… Another eight hours (15), and I shall become Madame Camembert. Don’t I hate this name! (16) Along with the marquis with his well-groomed whiskers and the terrible smell of cheap cologne! (17) I cannot bear to think of him without disgust. (18) But such was the will of His Majesty, and such is the will of my parents. Oh, Marie, I’m so unhappy! I wish I were dead! (19)

Marie: Please, don’t say that, Mademoiselle. Someone would be even more unhappy if you were dead. Look what I have brought you! Your favourite strawberry pie. Why don’t you try some?

Mathilda: Thank you, Marie, but I really don’t feel like I could eat anything. (20)

Marie: Still, I think that you should try this cake. I’m sure that you will like it.

Mathilda: I will?

Marie: Definitely. It has your favourite filling.

Mathilda: It does?

Marie: Uh-huh.

Mathilda: All right. If you insist, I will have a slice.

Marie: I will go now. But I will be around in case you should need me. (21) I will see to it that no one disturbs you. (22)

Mathilda broke the cake, fished out a slip of paper and started reading:

Mathilda (having finished reading): Marie!

Marie: I’m here, Mademoiselle.

Mathilda: I will step out for a few minutes. (23)

Marie: Of course, Mademoiselle. Take your time. (24) I will cover for you. (25)

Mathilda: Cover for me?

Marie: I mean, if someone comes looking for you, I will say that you are in the garden walking off your headache. (26)

Mathilda: How do I look?

Marie: You look beautiful, Mademoiselle, if only a bit pale. But it suits you.

Mathilda: Thank you, Marie. Thank you for everything.

Marie: Ah, Mademoiselle, it is so romantic! Secret rendezvous in the garden, love notes! Such a pity you can’t marry your captain!

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