Данное пособие содержит 20 топиков для старшеклассников, заинтересованных в изучении английского языка. Пособие поможет выпускникам в подготовке к экзаменам и олимпиадам.
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Computers cannot replace people
Computers have become an everyday part of our lives. Some people believe that it is impossible to change humans for computers, whereas others consider that artificial intelligence is found in different spheres of life nowadays.
In my opinion, people cannot be changed by computers. Firstly, though computers revolutionize the way people live they are not so powerful compared to the human brain. Robots are fragile and break easily, while people can notice when something goes wrong and fix it. Secondly, computers cannot do everything. Thirdly, computers cannot be easily taught unlike humans.
However, some people believe that computers will do all the work for humans soon. In their view, in some spheres robots are used instead of people because they can do some operations much better. For example, they can calculate quickly and without mistakes. Besides, labour-saving and user-friendly devices are widely used to make the life easier.
Personally, I do not agree with the above opinion as I think that though computers are widely applied in some spheres, they cannot replace people where human emotions, feelings, imagination are needed. Besides, though we use different modern gadgets they tend to become obsolete rapidly.
In conclusion, although there are different opinions on this problem, I still believe that humans will never be replaced by robots because some work will always be done by people.