Данное пособие содержит 20 топиков для старшеклассников, заинтересованных в изучении английского языка. Пособие поможет выпускникам в подготовке к экзаменам и олимпиадам.
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It is undeniable that bullying is a significant issue in our lives. My speech aims to discuss bullying, which can occur in various settings such as home, school, and work, and can have long-term effects on the target.
The issue lies in the fact that the consequences of bullying can be enduring. Those who are bullied often experience depression and may even contemplate suicide. They may also struggle to make friends and feel isolated. Additionally, witnessing bullying can also have adverse effects on the observer.
In my opinion, the solution to this problem involves seeking the help of adults. Parents and teachers should create a safe and supportive environment for all individuals. It is crucial to recognize the signs of bullying and take action to prevent it. In fact, bystanders who witness bullying should intervene by reporting it or offering assistance and support to the victim.
To sum up, bullying is a serious issue that requires everyone’s attention. It is the responsibility of each individual to take a stand against bullying. We must all remember that bullying is unacceptable, and we should all play a role in preventing it.