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20 топиков по английскому языку для старшеклассников. Методическое пособие

Фиалка Алмасовна Султангирова
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Данное пособие содержит 20 топиков для старшеклассников, заинтересованных в изучении английского языка. Пособие поможет выпускникам в подготовке к экзаменам и олимпиадам.


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An early choice of a career path is the key to success

The problem of choosing a career has been widely debated for many years. Some people think that one can be successful if choosing a career early. However, there are plenty of people who have an opposite view.

In my opinion, one can build a career successfully when he or she thinks about it during school years. Firstly, knowing what you want to do in life as early as possible is needed to pass the state exams and go to college or university. It helps to have bright prospective in life after graduation and become a successful person. Secondly, an early choice of a career is compulsory for some professions, such as sportsmen or musicians, otherwise you will not be able to achieve good results and succeed in life.

However, some people believe that early choice of a career is not important for success. In their view, sometimes it takes a lot of time for people to realize what they want to do, so one should not hurry taking a decision about his or her future.

Personally, I do not agree with the above opinion. I am convinced that children usually do not have too much time to think over, as their future depends a lot on their exams.

In conclusion, although there are different opinions on this problem, I still believe that in order to succeed in future one must think about his or her career in childhood.

238 words

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