Autumn gold collector
The autumn leaf fall makes me pause
And take in all its beauty.
I will collect it all because
It is a poet’s duty.
I will be greedy and precise,
Just like a tax collector.
If winds should blow cold as ice,
I’ll wear a woolen sweater.
I have to steal each golden piece
Still glitterin’ in the sun,
Turn out the pockets of the streets,
Pick sun-beams with a pun,
Sweep all emotions from the squares
And autumn city gardens,
Even the yellow of street lamps
Should not be left unguarded.
This autumn owes me all its gold,
I need it for my rhymes.
Although the sun is getting cold,
Its smallest coins still chime.
I’ll bring all those emotions home
And write while I can feel them,
Drawing my inspiration from
The plundered autumn kingdom.