If your heart doesn’t flare as it used to
If your heart doesn’t flare as it used to,
If the candle’s burnt down to the nub,
You’re so tired that nothing excites you,
Nothing lightens the candle up.
Like a snow slide, the tiredness covers
All emotions and commotions of blood.
Even she who calls you her lover
Cannot warm you in this snowy flood.
How you wish you were young and feeling,
How you long for her warmth anyway,
You don’t ever want to stop dreaming,
You can’t let it all go away.
Then your fingers will reach for the keyboard
And you’ll find inspiration inside,
You’ll describe a happier world,
Making things really turn out right.
Soon your heart will respond to the notions
That you’ll type, and will flare up again.
You’ll create your own emotions.
God knows things that I cannot explain.