Steal me from reality
To a fairyland.
Everyday banalities
Hold me in the hand.
In a global session
Good and Evil fight,
Economies’s recession
Brings spiritual plight.
Take away all attributes,
Take away all goods!
Ceasars have evaporated,
We hear only Brutes.
Days spread out in vapor
That diffuses will,
Nothing seems to matter,
Doomsday does not thrill.
Progress flows like deluge,
We’re too weak to stand,
You can float in sewerage
If you’re out of date.
People used to rebel
If they felt entrapped.
Now they love their own cell,
Comforted with apps.
The glow of spirit’s faded,
There’re no heroic songs.
When art is in an empty can,
It means that something’s wrong.
Voluntary confinement
In the separate cell
Of hi-tech refinement
Rings an alarming bell.
Cell phones are absorbing
The glow of people’s eyes.
Is there a point in hoping
That hope will never die?