Ирландский поэтарх

Уильям Йейтс

Лишь слогу русскому дано величие.Какой еще язык искусно может сочетатьгармонию любви и перепевов птичьих,красиво и созвучно описать!


Against unworthy praise

O HEART, be at peace, because

Nor knave nor dolt can break

What’s not for their applause,

Being for a woman’s sake.

Enough if the work has seemed,

So did she your strength renew,

A dream that a lion had dreamed

Till the wilderness cried aloud,

A secret between you two,

Between the proud and the proud.

What, still you would have their praise!

But here’s a haughtier text,

The labyrinth of her days

That her own strangeness perplexed;

And how what her dreaming gave

Earned slander, ingratitude,

From self-same dolt and knave;

Aye, and worse wrong than these.

Yet she, singing upon her road,

Half lion, half child, is at peace.

* * *

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