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Английский для айтишников. Tech English: Язык программистов и IT-специалистов

Радмила Шарифьянова
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«Английский для айтишников» — это практическое пособие для технических специалистов, которые хотят улучшить свои знания английского языка. Книга представляет собой набор материалов, нацеленных на расширение словарного запаса и развитие коммуникативных навыков, необходимых для эффективной коммуникации в рамках IT-индустрии. Книга включает в себя различные форматы заданий, такие как упражнения на закрепление лексики, чтение и анализ текстов, а также диалоги для тренировки устной речи.


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The Importance of Code Quality in Software Development

Software development is a complex process that involves a team of professionals working together to create a product. One crucial aspect of software development is code quality. Code quality refers to the overall reliability, maintainability, and efficiency of the code.

Poor code quality can lead to many problems, including bugs, crashes, and security vulnerabilities. It can also make it difficult to maintain and update the software, leading to higher costs and longer development times.

To ensure high code quality, developers should use best practices like writing clean code, performing regular code reviews, and testing thoroughly. They should also prioritize modular design, which makes it easier to isolate and fix issues as they arise.

Another essential element of code quality is documentation. Developers should document their code with clear comments and explanations to help other team members and future developers understand how the code works.

In summary, code quality is critical to the success of any software development project. By prioritizing clean code, regular testing, and thorough documentation, developers can ensure that their software is reliable, maintainable, and efficient.


software development — разработка программного обеспечения

code quality — качество кода

reliability — надежность

maintainability — поддерживаемость

efficiency — эффективность

bugs — ошибки

crashes — сбои

security vulnerabilities — уязвимости безопасности

update — обновлять

clean code — чистый код

code reviews — проверка кода

testing — тестирование

modular design — модульный дизайн

isolate — изолировать

documentation — документация

comments — комментарии

explanations — объяснения


— What is code quality, and why is it essential in software development?

— What are some problems that can occur due to poor code quality?

— Name three best practices developers can use to ensure high code quality.

— How can modular design help with maintaining code quality?

— Why is documentation important in software development?

Sample answers:

— Code quality refers to the overall reliability, maintainability, and efficiency of the code. It is essential because poor code quality can lead to bugs, crashes, security vulnerabilities, and longer development times. High code quality ensures that the software is reliable, maintainable, and efficient.

— Poor code quality can lead to many problems, including bugs, crashes, security vulnerabilities, higher costs, and longer development times.

— Three best practices developers can use to ensure high code quality are writing clean code, performing regular code reviews, and testing thoroughly.

— Modular design makes it easier to isolate and fix issues as they arise, which helps with maintaining code quality.

— Documentation is important in software development because it helps other team members and future developers understand how the code works. Clear comments and explanations can also make it easier to maintain and update the software.

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