Первая книга «Трилогии желания» Теодора Драйзера, «Финансист» рассказывает историю Фрэнка Каупервуда — простого парня из провинциального города, обладающего великолепной интуицией. Фрэнк становится коммерсантом, играет на бирже и попадает в мир роскоши и больших денег, который со временем превращает его из амбициозного юноши в беспринципного, жаждущего наживы миллионера, убежденного в том, что для достижения поставленных целей все средства хороши. Текст сопровождается комментариями и словарем, облегчающим чтение. Предназначается для продолжающих изучать английский язык (уровень 4 — Upper-Intermediate). В формате PDF A4 сохранён издательский дизайн.
Приведённый ознакомительный фрагмент книги «Финансист / The Financier» предоставлен нашим книжным партнёром — компанией ЛитРес.
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Chapter IV
The appearance of Frank Cowperwood at this time was prepossessing and satisfactory. He was about five feet ten inches tall. His head was large, shapely, his eyes were inscrutable. You could tell nothing by his eyes. He walked with a light, confident, springy step. He saw people richer than himself, but he hoped to be rich. His family was respected, his father well placed. He owed no man anything.
He turned out to be the most efficient clerk that the house of Waterman & Co. had ever known. They put him on the books at first as assistant bookkeeper, and in two weeks George said: “Why don't we make Cowperwood head bookkeeper?”
“All right, make the transfer, George, but he won't be a bookkeeper long, though.”
The books of Messrs. Waterman & Co were child's play to Frank. He went through them with an ease and rapidity which surprised his erstwhile superior, Mr. Sampson.
“Why, that fellow,” Sampson told another clerk on the first day he had seen Cowperwood work, “he's too brisk. Hes going to make a bad break.[23] I know that kind. Wait a little bit.”
But the bad break Mr. Sampson anticipated did not materialize. In less than a week Cowperwood knew the financial condition of the Messrs. Waterman very well. He knew how their accounts were distributed; from what section they drew the most business; who sent poor produce and good. Bookkeeping did not interest him much. He knew he would not do this long.
The Watermans, Henry and George, were greatly pleased with the way he handled their accounts. There was a sense of security in his very presence. He soon began to call George's attention to the condition of certain accounts, making suggestions as to their possible liquidation or discontinuance.
One morning, when bills indicated a probable glut of flour and a shortage of grain, the elder Waterman called him into his office and said:
“Frank, I wish you would see what you can do with this condition that confronts us. By tomorrow we're going to be overcrowded with flour. We can't be paying storage charges. We're short on grain. Maybe you could trade out the flour to some of those brokers and get me enough grain to fill the orders.”
“I'd like to try,” said his employee.
Frank knew from his books where the various commission-houses were. He knew the local merchants and the various commission-merchants. This was the thing he liked to do. It was pleasant to be out in the air again. He objected to desk work and pen work and poring over books. As he said in later years, his brain was his office. He hurried to the principal commission-merchants, offering his surplus. Did they want to buy for immediate delivery six hundred barrels of prime flour? He would offer it at nine dollars straight, in the barrel. They did not. He offered it in fractions, and some agreed to take one portion, and some another. In about an hour he had one lot of two hundred barrels, which he decided to offer to a famous operator named Genderman
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Приведённый ознакомительный фрагмент книги «Финансист / The Financier» предоставлен нашим книжным партнёром — компанией ЛитРес.
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