Unit 1
1. Read and learn the following words and expressions:
1) image — изображение, образ
2) in a sense — в известном смысле
3) condensation — краткость (стиля), сжатость (стиля)
4) modification — корректировка
5) creative skills — творческие способности
6) precise set — определенный набор
7) release — опубликование
8) in particular — в частности
9) substantive — самостоятельный, независимый
10) copy editor — редактор текста
11) to overlap — совпадать
12) layout — компоновка, расположение частей
13) house style — фирменный стиль, внутренний стиль
14) inclusion — включение
15) sub-editor — редактор отдела
16) production editor — редактор по производству (литературный редактор, который работает с рукописью, считывает гранки и корректуру)
17) editor-in-chief — главный редактор
18) editor at-large — автор передовых статей
19) anthology — антология, хрестоматия
20) compilation — составление, компиляция
21) edition — издание
22) makeup editor — редактор верстки
23) sponsoring editor — редактор-спонсор
24) acquisitions editor — рецензент издательства
25) commissioning editor — выпускающий редактор
26) ghost writing — написание статьи за другого
27) substantive editor — независимый редактор
28) content — содержание
29) editorial — передовая статья
30) encompass — охватывать
31) in concert — во взаимодействии
32) to set — устанавливать
33) to chair — председательствовать
34) ombudsman — служащий, рассматривающий жалобы (омбудсмен)
35) city editor — редактор отдела местных новостей
36) copy desk — редакция
37) opt-ed — колонка комментариев
38) wire media — мультимедийные средства массовой информации
2. Read the text below and retell it:
Editing is the process of preparing language, images, sound, video, or film through correction, condensation, organization, and other modifications in various media. A person who edits is called an editor. In a sense, the editing process originates with the idea for the work itself and continues in the relationship between the author and the editor. Editing is, therefore, also a practice that includes creative skills, human relations, and a precise set of methods.
Print media
There are various levels of editorial positions in publishing. Typically, one finds junior editorial assistants reporting to the senior-level editorial staff and directors who report to senior executive editors. Senior executive editors are responsible for developing a product to its final release. The smaller the publication, the more these roles run together. In particular, the substantive editor and copy editor often overlap: fact-checking and rewriting can be the responsibility of either.
Newspaper and wire services copy editors correct spelling, grammar, and matters of house style, design pages and select of news stories for inclusion. At UK and Australian newspapers, the term is «sub-editor.» They may choose the layout of the publication and communicate with the printer — a production editor. This and similar jobs are also called «layout editor,» «design editor,» «news designer,» or — more so in the past — «makeup editor.» Magazine editors include a top-level editor may be called an editor-in-chief. Frequent and esteemed contributors to a magazine may acquire a title of editor at-large or contributing.
In the book publishing industry, editors organize anthologies and other compilations, produce definitive editions of a classic author’s works («scholarly editor»); and organize and manage contributions to a multi-author book (symposium editor or volume editor). Finding marketable ideas and presenting them to appropriate authors: a sponsoring editor. Obtaining copy or recruiting authors such as: an acquisitions editor or a commissioning editor for a publishing house. Improving an author’s writing so that they indeed say what they mean to say in an effective manner — a substantive editor. Depending on the writer’s competence, this editing can sometimes turn into ghost writing. Substantive editing is seldom a title. Many types of editors do this type of work, either in-house at a publisher or on an independent basis. Changes to the publishing industry since the 1980s have resulted in nearly all copy editing of book manuscripts being outsourced to freelance copy editors.
Executive editor
The top editor sometimes has the title executive editor or editor-in-chief. This person is generally responsible for the content of the publication. The exception is that newspapers that are large enough usually have a separate editor for the editorials and opinion pages in order to have a complete separation of its news reporting and its editorial content.
The executive editor sets the publication standards for performance, as well as for motivating and developing the staff. The executive editor is also responsible for developing and maintaining the publication budget. In concert with the publisher and the operating committee, the executive editor is responsible for strategic and operational planning.
Editors at newspapers supervise journalists and improve their work. Newspaper editing encompasses a variety of titles and functions. These include:
• Copy editors
• Department editors
• Managing editors and assistant or deputy managing editors (the managing editor is often second in line after the top editor)
• News editors, who oversee the news desks
• Photo or picture editors
• Section editors and their assistants, such as for business, features, and sports
• Editorial Page Editor who oversees the coverage on the editorial page. This includes chairing the Editorial Board and assigning editorial writing responsibilities. The editorial page editor may also oversee the op-ed page or those duties are assigned to a separate op-ed editor.
• Top editors, who may be called editor in chief, executive editor or sometimes just editor
• Readers’ editors, sometimes known as the ombudsman, who arbitrate complaints.
• Wire editors, who choose and edit texts from various international wire services, and are usually part of the copy desk
• Administrative editors (who actually don’t edit but perform duties such as recruiting and directing training).
The term city editor is used differently in North America and South America, where it refers to the editor responsible for the news coverage of a newspaper’s local circulation area (also sometimes called metro editor), than in the United Kingdom, where it refers to the editor responsible for coverage of business in the City of London and, by extension, coverage of business and finance in general.
3. Answer the following questions:
1. What is editing? What can be edited?
2. What do the editors — in — chief do? What is their main responsibility?
3. Who is responsible for news-paper layout?
4. Who answers the complaints?
5. What does a substantive editor usually do and why do they hire such editors?
6. What is the copy desk staff?
7. Why is it necessary to supervise journalists and who supervises them in the newspaper?
8. What can you tell about the duties of a production editor?
9. What does the city editor do in the USA and the UK?
10. Who is responsible for developing and maintaining the publication budget?
4. Translate the sentences into Russian:
1. Editing is the process of preparing language, images, sound, video, or film through correction, condensation, organization, and other modifications in various media.
2. Editing is, therefore, also a practice that includes creative skills, human relations, and a precise set of methods.
3. Typically, one finds junior editorial assistants reporting to the senior-level editorial staff and directors who report to senior executive editors.
4.. In particular, the substantive editor and copy editor often overlap: fact-checking and rewriting can be the responsibility of either.
5. Newspaper and wire services copy editors correct spelling, grammar, and matters of house style, design pages and select of news stories for inclusion.
6. In the book publishing industry, editors organize anthologies and other compilations, produce definitive editions of a classic author’s works («scholarly editor»); and organize and manage contributions to a multi-author book (symposium editor or volume editor).
7. The executive editor sets the publication standards for performance, as well as for motivating and developing the staff. The executive editor is also responsible for developing and maintaining the publication budget.
5. Give the English equivalents from the text given above:
Процесс редактирования; путем исправления, сжатости текста, организации и корректировки; включает в себя творчески навыки; печатные средства массовой информации; младший редактор; старший редактор; часто совпадают; руководят журналистами и исправляют их ошибки; шеф-редактор, независимый редактор, написание статьи за другого; компоновка публикаций; стандарты издания (публикации); содержание издания; разнообразие названий и функций; редакторы журналов; нанимать штат; редактор-администратор; передовая статья; отвечающие на жалобы; редакторы местных новостей; редактор на радио; отвечать за освещение событий бизнеса.
6. Fill in the gaps with the words from the text:
1. __________ who may be called editor in chief, executive editor or sometimes just editor.
2. __________ sets the publication standards for performance, as well as for motivating and developing the staff.
3. Typically, one finds junior editorial __________ reporting to the senior-level editorial staff and directors who report to senior executive editors.\
4. Editing is the process of preparing language, __________, sound, video, or film __________ correction, condensation, organization, and other modifications in various media
5. Obtaining copy or recruiting authors such as: an __________ editor or a __________ editor for a publishing house
7. Translate the following sentences into English:
1. Процесс литературного редактирования включает в себя исправление правописания, грамматических ошибок, сжатие текста, компоновки и других модификаций.
2. Мы можем редактировать книги, газеты, фильмы, музыкальные произведения, изображения.
3. Редактирование печатных изданий производится в издательствах и редакциях специальным штатом сотрудников.
4. Начинают процесс редактирования статьи младшие редакторы, которые подчиняются старшим. Потом старшие редакторы проверяют работу и отправляют главному редактору.
5. За содержание издания отвечает главный редактор.
6. Производственный редактор отвечает за процесс печати газеты или журнала.
7. Независимый редактор может работать в редакции или наниматься со стороны для того, чтобы редактировать произведение автора, но часто он просто пишет работу за него.
1. Read and learn the following words and expressions:
1) editing — редактирование
2) to adjust — приспосабливать, согласовывать
3) required — требуемый
4) to imply — подразумевать
5) accuracy — точность
6) to pertain — принадлежать
7) relevant — относящийся
8) terminology — терминология
9) to adapt — приспосабливать, адаптировать
10) — многочисленный, обширный
11) inaccuracies — неточности, ошибки
12).detangle — распутать
13) confusion — беспорядок, путаница
14) wording — формулировка
15) product — конечный продукт
16) infrequent — редко встречающийся
17) labor input — трудозатраты
18) proofreading — правка, исправление ошибок, корректура текста
19) mission-critical — критически важный
20) legal — юридический
21) benefit — преимущество
2. Read the text below and retell it:
Text editing is the processing of text information in order to adjust it as required. Editing can be technical or stylistic.
Editing of translations is usually performed by native speakers or professional translators with a vast working knowledge. The work of an editor implies checking the content and terminology reproduction, and the adequacy of text style, making corrections as required.
The editor works to specify and unify the terms, concepts, and definitions used in a text and pertaining to a relevant branch of economy, knowledge, science, or technology. He or she prepares subject reviews, annotations and abstracts, using foreign-language sources of scientific and engineering information.
It is easier for an editor to adapt to similar mistakes or inaccuracies. It is somewhat more difficult to detangle a confusion of terminology or text presentation, as there are numerous ways to correctly express one and the same idea, and a translator cannot be required to match an expected wording.
It is worth pointing out here that translation of a text into a foreign language is but one component of the end product. It is not infrequent that the translation itself, by the labor input, accounts for just 30 — 35% of the total work content. In addition, a text undergoes a variety of other operations, including quality control which involves editing and proofreading, the more so with mission-critical texts, such as engineering materials or legal documents. In general, any document will benefit from a second look, in addition to that of a translator.
3. Answer the following questions:
1. What is text editing?
2. What does the work of an editor imply?
3. Why is it necessary to unify and specify the terms?
4. In what branches the unifying of the terminology is mission-critical?
5. How much is the translation in the end product?
6. Why is it so important for an editor to have knowledge in different branches of economy and science?
7. What does the editor also prepare?
4. Translate the following sentences into Russian:
1. Text editing is the processing of text information in order to adjust it as required. Editing can be technical or stylistic
2. The work of an editor implies checking of the content and terminology reproduction, and the adequacy of text style, making corrections as required.
3. The editor works to specify and unify the terms, concepts, and definitions used in a text and pertaining to a relevant branch of economy, knowledge, science, or technology
4. It is easier for an editor to adapt to similar mistakes or inaccuracies.
5. It is worth pointing out here that translation of a text into a foreign language is but one component of the end product. It is not infrequent that the translation itself, by the labor input, accounts for just 30 — 35% of the total work content.
6. A text undergoes a variety of other operations, including quality control which involves editing and proofreading, the more so with mission-critical texts, such as engineering materials or legal documents
7. In general, any document will benefit from a second look, in addition to that of a translator.
5. Give the English equivalents from the text given above:
Подвергаться различным операциям; редактирование текстовой информации; привыкнуть к одинаковым ошибкам; привести термины в соответствие с нормами; адекватность стиля статьи; контроль качества перевода; трудозатраты; общий объем работы; повторный взгляд на текст; определить и унифицировать термины; воспроизведение (передача) терминов; соответствующая отрасль науки; техническая отрасль, юридическая отрасль, критически важный.
6. Translate the following into English:
1. Редактирование текста предполагает его обработку с целью получения адекватности и соответствия терминологии необходимым нормам.
2. Редактор переведенного текста должен обладать огромными знаниями во всех отраслях науки, образования и культуры.
3. Критически важна адекватность в технических и юридических текстах.
4. Необходимо унифицировать и определить все термины в процессе редактирования статьи.
5. Перевод сам по себе — только часть конечного продукта и составляет 30—35% работы.
6. Текст перевода подвергается корректированию, исправлению разного рода ошибок и неточностей.
7. Если на текст посмотреть еще раз после его редактирования, то он только выиграет от этого.
7. Compose the dialogues on the topics:
1) The preparing of a programme on TV. You are editing the script and discuss with the chief editor
2) Explain to you friend what processing of the literary text and translations means.
3) What is the usual staff of a copy desk.