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  3. Асоль Малахова

Рисуночный тест «Супергерой». Drawing test «Superhero»

Асоль Малахова
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Рисуночный тест «Супергерой» — это уникальная методика диагностики скрытого потенциала, личностных тенденций, которые человек раскроет в ситуациях вседозволенности, власти, силы, ощущения всемогущества и сверхценности.The «Superhero» picture test is a unique technique for diagnosing hidden potential, personality tendencies that a person will reveal in situations of permissiveness, power, strength, a feeling of omnipotence and over-value.


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About the author

Malakhova Asol Nikolaevna is a candidate of science in the medical psychology.

Asol Malakhova has been a board certified psychologist since 2007. She worked as a senior lecturer in the Department of psychology and pedagogy of SPWARE (VI).

She graduated from the University of RSPU n.a. A. I. Herzen, the faculty of correctional pedagogy. During her studies at the University, she received advanced training in practical psychology and psychotherapy. She received her second education at the Academy of post-graduate pedagogical education — the Department of psychology, specialty «Practical psychologist» with honours. In 2010, she successfully graduated from the post-graduate studies in pedagogy at APPO SPb, and in 2018, she graduated from the second post-graduate studies at RSPU n.a. A. I. Herzen on medical psychology. She has been the winner of the contest «A Psychologist of the Year».

Asol Malakhova has been entered in the register of specialists of the Russian Federation.

Her works are actively published — books, study guides, monographs and articles on psychology and pedagogy — to this date, there are more than 100 published works (including 12 books), more than 100 certificates (some of them are of international and European levels).

She is actively participating in international, national and regional conferences and making reports and publications, and methodological associations.

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