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Рисуночный тест «Супергерой». Drawing test «Superhero»

Асоль Малахова
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Рисуночный тест «Супергерой» — это уникальная методика диагностики скрытого потенциала, личностных тенденций, которые человек раскроет в ситуациях вседозволенности, власти, силы, ощущения всемогущества и сверхценности.The «Superhero» picture test is a unique technique for diagnosing hidden potential, personality tendencies that a person will reveal in situations of permissiveness, power, strength, a feeling of omnipotence and over-value.


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About the technique

The «superhero» diagnostic psychological projective methodology was developed by Asol Nikolaevna Malakhova, Ph. D. in medical psychology, and it can be classified as a «know-how».

This toolkit will help to see not only personality traits (self-esteem, anxiety, aggressiveness, emotionality, etc.), its relationships with the world and other people, but also a glimpse into the realm of the unconscious. Orientation to creation or destruction, desires and drives, extraversion and introversion are one of the few parameters that are revealed in the hands of not only a psychologist-diagnostician, but also a person who knows the depths of his soul using this technique.

Projective diagnostics «Superhero» will be not only simple, effective, useful, but also interesting for every specialist who is focused on an individual approach in his professional activity and seeks to know the human soul.

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