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  3. Michael Ouzikov

Fairy Tales Kazochki

Michael Ouzikov
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Fairy Tales «Kazochki» for adults and not only! Count Leo Tolstoy, the great Russian writer, so fond of illiterate children that once he went «to the local people» and became the director of small village school. To save money on textbooks, he wrote his famous Fairy Tales «Kazochki», which, with some fine-tuning, are relevant to our difficult today days.


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The Master and the Rooster

(A true story)

The master did not sleep all night. He drank, engaged in some unethical deeds with the mistress, and even carried sheaves of grain before midnight. Then he lay down to rest directly in the courtyard.

The rooster saw his master and thought, my master wants to hear me sing.

He got closer to the master and shouted in his ear:

«Soldier arise! Scrub the bloody muck out of your eyes. 45 seconds! Parade dress, assemble in the court!»

The master woke up and pushed the rooster who was not allowing him to sleep away. The rooster thought that the master wanted him to sing louder, so he crept closer and began to shout with all his might:

«Get up, son of a bitch! Get up and fight! Is this how you serve?»

The master grabbed a rake and hit the rooster in the head. The rooster saw blinking numbers.

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