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  2. Современная русская литература
  3. Michael Ouzikov

Fairy Tales Kazochki

Michael Ouzikov
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Fairy Tales «Kazochki» for adults and not only! Count Leo Tolstoy, the great Russian writer, so fond of illiterate children that once he went «to the local people» and became the director of small village school. To save money on textbooks, he wrote his famous Fairy Tales «Kazochki», which, with some fine-tuning, are relevant to our difficult today days.


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The Lion and the dog

(A true story)

Once upon a time in London*, they showed wild animals and took dogs and cats instead of money for watching.

The dogs and cats were used as feed for the wild animals.

One man wanted to look at the animals, so he grabbed a little dog on the street and brought it to the show.

He was admitted to watch and the little dog he picked up was thrown into the lion cage to be devoured. The dog dropped its tail between its legs and clung to the corner of the cage.

The lion came over and sniffed her.

The doggie squealed.

The she lay on her back, lifted her feet and began waving her tail.

The lion touched her with his paw, and flipped her over.

The doggie squealed.

They got married…

The doggie squealed.

Next morning, the doggie croaked and the lion’s lymph nodes began to swell.

* London is the capital of Great Britain

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