(A true story)
There once was a boy named Philip. The time came for all the boys to go serve in the army. Philip did not want to go. But his mother said to him: «Philip, you’re not going to the army?»
«For you to not go to the army, you must have a disabled wife.»
The boys went to serve in the army. Philip’s father went early in the morning to the forest for his daily work. And Philip went and got married. He married his wife, and said:
«So, dear wife, you do not want me to go to the army?»
«Of course I don’t want you to.»
«Then go and get your leg cut off by a train».
The wife went to the railway station and got not just one leg cut off by a train, but her second leg as well.
She came home and Philip asked:
«Well, how are you, dear?»
«As you see.»
«Very good,» said Philip, «Who taught you how to do that?»
His wife braved and said:
«I learned myself. I’m daring and I immediately understood. Oh, I’m very nifty.»