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  3. Michael Ouzikov

Fairy Tales Kazochki

Michael Ouzikov
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Fairy Tales «Kazochki» for adults and not only! Count Leo Tolstoy, the great Russian writer, so fond of illiterate children that once he went «to the local people» and became the director of small village school. To save money on textbooks, he wrote his famous Fairy Tales «Kazochki», which, with some fine-tuning, are relevant to our difficult today days.


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(A true story)

There was a house on fire. No one could enter it, and honestly, wouldn’t even want to.

A soldier came over and said: «I’ll go.»

He was told: «You will burn.»

The soldier said: «One can’t die twice, and can’t escape once…»

And he ran into the house…

In fact, he was an extraordinary youth.

You wouldn’t understand them, the Slavs.

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