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Make your dream come true in 1 day

Natalya Diyak
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The book is the journey from complete shut-down into my personal freedom.This was a 30-day challenge, arranged by my friend, and it inspired me so much that I decided to make it into a book. I hope you will also enjoy reading it, and, who knows, probably, you might decide to try some of the ideas for yourself. I know one thing for sure — the journey is transformative, after you have accomplished it, you will definitely be a better version of yourself. Have fun!


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(c) Photo by Hannah Grace on Unsplash

«Never say to yourself,» I cannot.» In this way you are depriving yourself of power.» (Richard Bach)

After yesterday’s book «revelry» I thought of taking something easier, like «enjoy a piece of chocolate in 15 minutes,» but my bum is again craving for adventures, and this time the chosen adventure was to write and send an article to the Lifehacker.ru.

Конец ознакомительного фрагмента.


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