«Some doors are forever closed, while others open in the most unexpected places» (TV series «Game of Thrones»)
I joined Assel’s 30-day challenge @assel_happiness)
The idea of challenge is to try something new every day, and then write about my feelings.
So, my task for today is to 2X-slow down my usual speed of doing things. To do everything 2 times slower.
Oh, if you only knew what kind of f… challenge it is for me! But I said to myself: «Whatever I manage today — is enough, even if it is just small things.» Anyway, I always can catch up tomorrow.
By the way, today I’ve recorded a new episode of the Teitelbaum’s book «The Complete Guide to Beating Sugar Addiction». Today I was speaking slower than usual, and this is also not easy).
So, I am reporting from the image of «Natakha-the-Turtle»: daylight is coming to an end. Slowing down is difficult. As if a mad racehorse is trying to dash somewhere, and you tell to this horse: «You are not a Horse, you are a Turtle today.» And the inner Horse says: «Whaaaat?»
Sometimes I forget and slide into the usual «frantic electric broom» mode.
1. Slowly — does not mean «inefficient». It simply means giving your body more time to adequately respond to brain impulses.
2. You are taught what acceptance is, while practicing the slow-mo: accepting my choice to do it exactly as I chose. It is about the acceptance of the natural flow of events.
3. I found the way to heal my long-term wound which is called «I-Never-Have-Time»). I realized that if you do something not according to your usual behavioral template, then the template gets broken. If, for example, you are afraid to do something, then according to the habitual pattern your usual reaction would be to get frightened and never do the feared action. But when you decide to go into your fear, it would break the routine habits.
Or when you think that you don’t have time, and you accelerate even more to catch up with your plans — this would be within the typical behavioral template. And if on the contrary, you slow down despite the usual reactions — you are breaking the mould.