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Make your dream come true in 1 day

Natalya Diyak
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The book is the journey from complete shut-down into my personal freedom.This was a 30-day challenge, arranged by my friend, and it inspired me so much that I decided to make it into a book. I hope you will also enjoy reading it, and, who knows, probably, you might decide to try some of the ideas for yourself. I know one thing for sure — the journey is transformative, after you have accomplished it, you will definitely be a better version of yourself. Have fun!


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(c) Photo by Jujia tang on Unsplash

«Every day, God sends us — along with the sun — the opportunity to change everything that makes us miserable. And every day we try to pretend that we do not notice this possibility, that it does not exist at all, that today is in everything similar to yesterday and indistinguishable from tomorrow. But those who take a closer look at their day will find this magical moment.» (Paulo Coelho)

The task for today is to come up with a poem on the topic proposed by the fellow-challengers.

They suggested, among other things, the word «little kangaroo»…

So here is what we have:


What is happiness to you?

Not a bird and not a gnu.

Happiness is little kangaroo,

Sitting on veranda roof.

The kangaroo is a funny little fella’

Meet his friend — the sweet coala!

Coala’s name is Tidi-Tude

In local language — «Gratitude».


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