Уважаемые родители и учителя! Эта книга сказок и уроков о животных поможет вам научить детей говорить на английском языке, просто ИГРАЯ С НИМИ. Читайте и переводите, а ребёнок будет двигать игрушки и, играя, повторять слова и фразы, отвечать на вопросы.В книге использованы методики преподавания для детей и знания по детской психологии.В сказках много шуток, игр, песенок.Удачи вам!
Приведённый ознакомительный фрагмент книги «Играем и говорим на английском языке. Сказки про животных» предоставлен нашим книжным партнёром — компанией ЛитРес.
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The game «Where is a bird?» (3)
Для игры понадобится лестница из кубиков, птичка, лист бумаги и разноцветные карандаши.
— Children, a bird has flown to the Zoo. It is sitting on the steps of a ladder. Let’s take manycolored pencils and draw a ladder. It has 10 steps.
Look here! This little bird has flown to the Zoo. What a nice bird! It is pink and white. The bird wants to sit somewhere. It flies and sits on the step number 1. Where does it sit? Take the bird and put it on this step.
— What color, is it? (It’s red.)
— Right, it’s red. The bird flies and sits on the step number 2. Where does it sit? Show me. What color is it? (It’s orange.)
— Right, it’s orange. Good for you. Where will your bird fly? Put it there. What color is it?
Name all the colors of the steps. I will help you. Repeat after me, please. (We repeat all the colors and figures.)
2. — I know the rhyme. Listen to me!
The teacher shows cubes and says,
Red, red, touch your head.
Black, black, touch your back;
Blue, blue, touch your shoe;
Green, green, touch your chin;
Brown, brown, touch the ground.
3. — These are the different figures. Do you know them?
The blue figure is a square. Show it me, please.
What is it? (It’s a square.) The green figure is a cylinder. Show it me, please. What is it? (It’s a cylinder.) Which figure is red? (It’s a square.) The yellow figure is a cube. The blue figure is a brick.
You have a lot of cubes and bricks. Let’s play! Your animals want to play with you. Take a lion and put it on the red square. Where is a lion? (It’s on the red square.) Good for you. Take a bear and put it on the blue brick. What color is the brick? Where is the bear? (It’s on the blue brick.) Take a dog (a pig, a cow, a sheep) and put on the green (red, blue, pose and black) cube (brick, cylinder).
4. — I know the rhyme. Listen to me!
The teacher shows cubes and says,
Red, red, touch your head.
Black, black, touch your back;
Blue, blue, touch your shoe;
Green, green, touch your chin;
Brown, brown, touch the ground.
Приведённый ознакомительный фрагмент книги «Играем и говорим на английском языке. Сказки про животных» предоставлен нашим книжным партнёром — компанией ЛитРес.
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