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  2. Языкознание
  3. Ольга Майба

Играем и говорим на английском языке. Сказки про животных

Ольга Майба
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Уважаемые родители и учителя! Эта книга сказок и уроков о животных поможет вам научить детей говорить на английском языке, просто ИГРАЯ С НИМИ. Читайте и переводите, а ребёнок будет двигать игрушки и, играя, повторять слова и фразы, отвечать на вопросы.В книге использованы методики преподавания для детей и знания по детской психологии.В сказках много шуток, игр, песенок.Удачи вам!

Автор: Ольга Майба

Жанры и теги: Языкознание


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A hare is afraid of… (8)

Маленький зайчонок хочет гулять в лесу, но вот беда, он боится всех зверей.

Мы расставим деревья и зверей и будем играть.

— Good morning, children. Will we play with our plastic toys? (Yes, we will.) Let’s start. Our animals are very polite; they greet each other every day as we do. A monkey turns to a lion and


— I am Monkey. What are you?

— I am Lion. What are you?

(Every animal sings its greeting and turns to the next one.)

2. — What can you see in the forest? I can see the blue sky, the green trees, the green bushes and green grass. A lot of butterflies, flies, bees are flying above the trees. There are mushrooms, berries in the wood. A little hare is alone in the wood. It is afraid to be alone and wants to find somebody to play.

— I’m a little hare. I want to walk in the wood, but I’m afraid of all the animals. I’m afraid of a tiger, of a lion, of a leopard, and even an elephant. Where are they? The tiger is by the river; an elephant is near the tree; a monkey is on the tree. (It is on the bank of the river, under the bush, on the stone and in the river. A child answers where they are.)

The hare comes up to the bush and sees the lion,

— Oh, I am afraid of the lion!

— Don’t be afraid of the lion; it will be your friend.

— It’s O.K. I will look for somebody else. (It goes further. It sees a bear under the tree.)

— Oh, I’m afraid of the bear; it can eat me.

— Don’t be afraid of the bear; it will be your friend.

— It’s O.K. I will look for somebody else. (I t goes further and sees a wolf (a fox, a leopard, an elephant and so on. It says the same words and at last it meets a sheep.)

— Good morning, Sheep. How are you?

— Morning. I am fine and you?

— Thanks, I am fine… I’m alone and I’m afraid of all the animals except you. Be my friend; let’s play together.

— Poor thing! Don’t be afraid of somebody; we will live together and nobody can eat you. Be quiet!

3. Drawing.

— Children, do you like this story? I like it. Let’s draw a hare in the wood. Take your pencils and draw a picture. What color will be your hare? What color will be the grass?

Are flowers red or blue? Let’s start. (After drawing a teacher asks her pupils.)

— What, is it? Where is a hare? What’s its color? What color are the flowers? Your picture is very nice. Good for you!

See you later. Good bye.

О книге

Автор: Ольга Майба

Жанры и теги: Языкознание


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Приведённый ознакомительный фрагмент книги «Играем и говорим на английском языке. Сказки про животных» предоставлен нашим книжным партнёром — компанией ЛитРес.

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