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  3. Оксана Вячеславовна Иванова

Did You Know That ? Encyclopedia of Curious and Interesting Facts

Оксана Вячеславовна Иванова (2024)
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Знаете ли вы, что каждый текст в этой энциклопедии начинается с вопроса «Did you know that…» (Знаете ли вы, что…)? Это увлекательное пособие раскрывает массу интересных фактов, расширяя ваш кругозор и словарный запас одновременно. Удобный словарь после каждого текста помогает изучать новые слова и выражения, а вопросы идеально подходят для обсуждения.


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Fact 15. Did you know that the first novel was written in Japan in the 11th century?

That's right! The Tale of Genji, written by a woman named Murasaki Shikibu, is considered to be the world's first novel. It was written in the early 11th century and tells the story of a handsome prince named Genji and his many loves and adventures.

What is a novel?

A novel is a long story that is written in prose. It is typically divided into chapters and can be about any subject.

The Tale of Genji

The Tale of Genji is a complex and sophisticated work of literature. It offers a fascinating glimpse into the world of the Japanese court during the Heian period. The novel is full of beautiful language and vivid descriptions.

The influence of The Tale of Genji

The Tale of Genji has had a profound influence on Japanese literature and culture. It is considered to be one of the greatest works of Japanese literature and has been translated into many languages. The novel has also been adapted into films, television shows, and operas.

Other early novels

The Tale of Genji is not the only early novel. Other early novels include:

The Golden Ass by Apuleius (2nd century AD)

Satyricon by Petronius (1st century AD)

The Romance of Alexander by Pseudo-Callisthenes (3rd century AD)

The Pillow Book by Sei Shōnagon (10th century AD)

These early novels all share some common characteristics. They are long, complex works of fiction that tell stories about love, adventure, and the human condition. They are also all written in prose, which was a relatively new form of writing at the time.

The development of the novel is a significant milestone in the history of literature. Novels allow authors to explore complex and nuanced stories in a way that is not possible in other genres. Novels have also played a major role in shaping our understanding of the human experience.


is considered — считается

handsome — красивый

adventures — приключения

novel — роман

chapters — главы

subject — тема

complex — сложный

sophisticated — утончённый

glimpse into the world — взгляд в мир

Japanese court — японский двор

vivid descriptions — яркие описания

profound influence — глубокое влияние

the only — единственный

works of fiction — произведения художественной литературы

human condition — человеческое состояние

relatively new — относительно новый

significant milestone — важная веха

nuanced stories — тонкие истории


What is the main idea of the article?What is the title of the world's first novel?

Who wrote the world's first novel?

When was the world's first novel written?

What are the criteria for a work of fiction to be considered a novel?

Why is The Tale of Genji considered to be the world's first novel?

What are some other early novels that are mentioned in the article?


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