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Did You Know That ? Encyclopedia of Curious and Interesting Facts

Оксана Вячеславовна Иванова (2024)
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Fact 12. Did you know that the world's largest flower is the Rafflesia arnoldii?

This amazing plant can only be found in the rainforests of Southeast Asia.

Physical Features

The Rafflesia arnoldii is a parasitic plant, which means that it gets its nutrients from other plants. It doesn't have any leaves or stems, and its flower can grow up to 3 feet (1 meter) wide and weigh up to 24 pounds (11 kilograms)! The flower has five thick, fleshy petals that are covered in wart-like bumps.

Life Cycle

The Rafflesia arnoldii has a very unusual life cycle. It starts as a tiny seed that is dispersed by animals. The seed then germinates and attaches itself to the roots of a host plant, usually a species of vine. The Rafflesia arnoldii then sends out thread-like structures that penetrate the host plant's tissues and absorb nutrients.

After several months, the Rafflesia arnoldii begins to produce a bud. The bud slowly grows and develops over a period of several weeks. When the bud finally opens, it reveals the massive flower of the Rafflesia arnoldii.

The Rafflesia arnoldii flower only lasts for a few days. After it dies, the plant produces fruit that contains thousands of seeds. The seeds are then dispersed by animals, and the life cycle begins again.

Importance and Threats

The Rafflesia arnoldii is an important part of the rainforest ecosystem. It provides food for animals such as beetles and flies, and it helps to disperse the seeds of its host plant. However, the Rafflesia arnoldii is threatened by habitat loss and over-collection. Conservationists are working to protect this unique and endangered plant.


The Rafflesia arnoldii is a truly amazing plant. Its massive size, unique appearance, and unusual life cycle make it one of the most fascinating plants in the world. We should all do our part to protect this incredible plant and its rainforest home.


rainforests — тропические леса

stems — стебли

fleshy — мясистый

petals — лепестки

wart-like bumps — бородавки

tiny seed — крошечное семя

is dispersed — рассеивается

germinates — прорастает

attaches — прикрепляется

roots — корни

host plant — растение-хозяин

species of vine — вид лианы

penetrate — проникают

absorb — впитывают

bud — бутон

reveals — раскрывает

beetles — жуки

over-collection — чрезмерный сбор

endangered plant — исчезающий вид растения


What is the name of the world's largest flower?

Where is the Rafflesia arnoldii found?

Describe the physical characteristics of the Rafflesia arnoldii flower.

How does the Rafflesia arnoldii get its nutrients?

Describe the life cycle of the Rafflesia arnoldii.

Why is the Rafflesia arnoldii important to the rainforest ecosystem?

What are some threats facing the Rafflesia arnoldii?


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Приведённый ознакомительный фрагмент книги «Did You Know That ? Encyclopedia of Curious and Interesting Facts» предоставлен нашим книжным партнёром — компанией ЛитРес.

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