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  3. Оксана Вячеславовна Иванова

Did You Know That ? Encyclopedia of Curious and Interesting Facts

Оксана Вячеславовна Иванова (2024)
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Fact 10. Did you know that the largest land mammal is the African elephant?

These amazing animals can weigh up to 6,000 kilograms and stand over 4 meters tall at the shoulder. African elephants are known for their intelligence, social behavior, and their importance to the African ecosystem.

Physical Features

African elephants have some very distinctive features:

Tusks: Both male and female African elephants have tusks, which are long,

curved teeth. Tusks can grow to be over 3 meters long and are used for digging, gathering food, and fighting.

Ears: African elephants have very large ears that look like fans. They use their ears to cool down by flapping them and increasing airflow.

Trunk: The elephant's trunk is a very special body part. It is used for breathing, smelling, touching, grabbing things, and making sounds.

Social Behavior

African elephants are very social animals and live in family groups of up to 100 elephants. These groups are led by a female elephant called the matriarch. Elephants communicate with each other using sounds, body language, and smells.


African elephants are very intelligent animals. They have excellent memories and are able to learn new things. Elephants have been seen using tools, working together to solve problems, and even showing kindness to others.

Importance to the Ecosystem

African elephants are very important to the African ecosystem. They help to control the growth of plants and create clearings in the forest that other animals can use. Elephants also spread seeds, which helps to keep the forest healthy.

Threats and Conservation

African elephants are facing a number of threats, including habitat loss, poaching, and conflict with humans. Poaching for their ivory tusks is a major problem, and has led to a decrease in elephant populations. Conservation efforts are underway to protect African elephants and their habitats.


The African elephant is a truly amazing creature that plays a vital role in the African ecosystem. Its intelligence, social behavior, and importance to the environment make it a species that we should all care about. By learning more about African elephants and supporting conservation efforts, we can help to ensure that these gentle giants continue to roam the savanna for generations to come.


shoulder — плечо

intelligence — интеллект

physical features — физические характеристики

distinctive — отличительный

tusks — бивни

male — самец

female — самка

curved — изогнутый

digging — копание

fans — веера

to cool down — охладиться

flapping — хлопанье

increasing airflow — увеличение потока воздуха

trunk — хобот

grabbing — хватание

tools — инструменты

solve problems — решать проблемы

clearings — поляны

spread seeds — распространять семена

threats — угрозы

habitat loss — потеря среды обитания

poaching — браконьерство

decrease — уменьшение

generations — поколения


What are some of the distinctive physical features of African elephants?

How do African elephants use their trunks?

Describe the social behavior of African elephants.

How are African elephants intelligent?

What is the importance of African elephants to the ecosystem?

What are the threats facing African elephants?

How do African elephants communicate with each other?

What is the role of the matriarch in an elephant family group?

How do elephants help to control the growth of plants in the forest?

Why is poaching a major threat to African elephants?

What are some conservation efforts that are underway to protect African elephants?


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