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Рассказы на английском языке. Stories in English

Милослава Мыскова
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Эта книга — сборник занимательных рассказов и интересных историй с фантастическими героями, помогающий изучать английский язык весело и легко.


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Detective Bruce. Part 1

It is a story about one detective called Bruce. He craved to be famous but he wasn’t. May be he will be able to solve mystery related one dangerous criminal? Definitely yes! But it is a very difficult task. *Hang on for a minute, I did not tell you the most important thing. If Bruce will catch the criminal, he become very famous!

It is a monologue brooding in the young detective’s head: «I have information. Everything that I need. Almost everything. I don’t know where the criminal lives. So, it is time to get a complete information on a subject.»

Bruce suffered for a long time but not for nothing. He found out where a pilferer lived. Twenty minutes passed and detective was a required house. He broke into the flat from a balcony, opened the door, took a vase, as he could not defend himself otherwised, ran through the hall and finally got into the room. He saw a following picture: three men were sitting at the table and brooding.

Bruce asked: Who are you?

It turned out that those three men were famous detectives and they missed the criminal.

The pilferer still was cherishing some evil plans…

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