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Рассказы на английском языке. Stories in English

Милослава Мыскова
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Эта книга — сборник занимательных рассказов и интересных историй с фантастическими героями, помогающий изучать английский язык весело и легко.


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Приведённый ознакомительный фрагмент книги «Рассказы на английском языке. Stories in English» предоставлен нашим книжным партнёром — компанией ЛитРес.

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Редактор Маргарита Прилипко

Иллюстратор Марина Саблукова

© Милослава Мыскова, 2021

© Марина Саблукова, иллюстрации, 2021

ISBN 978-5-0055-5109-2

Создано в интеллектуальной издательской системе Ridero

Fight in the Forest

Hello, my little friend! I’m the Old Smart Owl. I am the smartiest bird in the forest. Hopefully the whole forest loves me because I am so clever. Only the mice are afraid of me! These animals are so stupid. Foxes didn’t like me as well for some time. They even hated me with all their heart. They were hunting me but I was rescued by a wolf. That wolf was brave, as you can see. Hares are my friends, we often talk. Squirrels live only in huge trees. They are afraid of foxes, wolves, bears, owls — famous predators. Squirrels always have to be careful. These animals live in our wonderful forest.

Once we fought with hunters because we didn’t want to cede our forest to the enemy. Now when you know our heroes I will tell one really interesting story. Listen and remember. I was in the sky and saw two men going to the forest. I thought, that they were mushroom pickers or fishermen but I espied a rifle. Then I hastened to the forest. I told my friends the information and we started to prepare for the fight. Squirrels were shooting nuts to the enemies, mice were helping them, foxes were throwing themselves at the scoundrels’ legs with sharling, hares were trying to scratch hunters, wolves were mercilessly approaching while licking one’s lips, and bears were surround them menacingly. You will laugh, but in a few minutes they ran away in fear. The victory was on our friendly team’s side.

О книге

Автор: Милослава Мыскова

Жанры и теги: Книги для детей


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Приведённый ознакомительный фрагмент книги «Рассказы на английском языке. Stories in English» предоставлен нашим книжным партнёром — компанией ЛитРес.

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