Эта книга — сборник занимательных рассказов и интересных историй с фантастическими героями, помогающий изучать английский язык весело и легко.
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The Ghost in the Castle
This is a story about terrible things. All the horrors began in the castle. A king, a queen and a princess inhabited this castle. The king’s name was Peter, the queen’s name was Ekaterina, and the princess’s name was Mary. Everything started after that. Mary went to the garden, she said to her parents: «I would like to go outside because today is a perfect sunny day! I will stay in our garden, don’t worry.» In fact, Mary wanted to go to the wood near the castle, to feed little elfs but Mary’s mom kept looking at her through the window. Eventually, Mary stayed in the garden. Mary was on the swings, when in the castle vases were falling from the shelves in the castle, cups and plates were whirling in the air. It seemed that whole castle was upside down. The family thought it was a ghost but they got it wrong. It was a bunch of ghosts! Mary decided to follow the ghosts and hid under the table. At night the princess saw green light, she was afraid but stayed under the table. Then Mary made a trap. While the princess asleep, her trap emitted a squeaking sound, and the little girl hastened to the ghost with a net. Mary put a net on the ghost and grabbed it. She caught the ghost, yes! But other monsters stayed in the castle. When the princess caught the ghost, it emitted some sounds and all the monsters flew away. So, the story about a smart, brave and crafty princess Mary is finished!