Do you like listening to butterflies` singing? Perhaps you even have wings on your back? If yes, then you are a resident of two different worlds, like Louise, who has yet to make a choice — love or magic? True or false? Feelings or a game? Louise lives in a world unlike ours — she is surrounded by Nature in all its glory. The girl is brought up by a nanny, and just a few steps from her house is the border with the world of people — the City. People in the City have been sleeping for many years — they don't want anything, and there is no one to love. But there is one boy in that world to whom Louise has given her heart forever. Will a twelve-year-old girl be able to save a house from destruction, learn to fly and reconcile people with nature if her heart cries because she really loves?
Приведённый ознакомительный фрагмент книги «She is Louise» предоставлен нашим книжным партнёром — компанией ЛитРес.
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Chapter Six
Once again, she followed the path. The same path that led to the border. In a way it could be called the Path of Life — it led Louise forward. The girl reached the cottage where she had watched Niels yesterday, but today there was no one there. The windows were not curtained, and Louise could even make out some furniture inside."That's strange, it's summer. And today is also Saturday. He's not here. Maybe I have found the wrong house?"the girl was upset, but suddenly she heard a butterfly — it landed on her shoulder.
— Run away from here!"squeaked the butterfly. — Stay away from people!
— Excuse me, but what's the matter?
— There are teenagers infiltrating our Steppes and Forests. They…
— I think I saw them. And then I cried.
— Poor child! You see!"replied the butterfly sympathetically.
— There were four of them,"said Louise, rather to herself.
— Yes, and they got into the Forest! They got into the Hollow of our Tree. I helped to drive them away, but they didn't seem to believe in good magic yet.
— They're not dead?"the girl asked.
— No. But they'll come home and panic. We could be attacked.
— By who? Just people? And we — whom do you mean?
— Woodland and prairie creatures, of course! We, butterflies, just so you know, belong to two worlds at once — the Forest and the Steppes.
— So do I. I'm a Butterfly. And I belong to both our world and the human world.
— Are you gonna fight?
— What?! No, I'm not…
— Do you know other Butterfly people, Louise?
— How do you know me?
— You've been living here forever.
— I'm only twelve, I don't…
— Not for you, but for us, insects, it's an eternity.
— I see, but what shall we do?
— Go to the City and destroy it.
— You've got to be kidding me.
— Not at all.
— I've got a better idea,"said Louise. — Why don't just follow those teenagers?
— You're younger than them, girl.
— What's the big deal? Younger doesn't mean dumber, does it?
— It's their own fault. Nature's tired of it. Tired of humans. They can't go unpunished forever.
— They must have a king. Who do we have?"asked the girl, though she didn't know much about politics.
— Our Tree, of course. It is life.
— Mine too?
— My little head is tired of questions. I have to leave,"the butterfly replied and disappeared into the dazzling blue of the sky.
The day was sunny, but the little girl's soul was suddenly troubled.
"Maybe that's why Galya sent me to get the newspaper? Did she just want to know the news? But I'll be brave — I'll take it and go to the City. But before I do that, I'll see the boy Niels. At least with one eye…"
There are insect butterflies and there are human butterflies. How are they different?
Niels rode silently on the wagon with the rest of the boys. It was so unusual, in the age of automobiles and peregrine falcons, to travel by horseback; she was doing a good job, though.
"I don't feel like doing it. Why did I listen to my parents?"thought Niels, while the sun was beating down mercilessly on his red head.
Where is Louise? So modest, yet so mysterious. Fragile and small. Niels, of course, could not yet know how strong Louise was at heart."A magical girl. That's for sure. Good thing I'm learning Latin".
— Why are you learning Latin?
— To read some spell…
After about an hour (they had to gather the others along the way), the road finally brought Niels and his companions to a huge clearing. There were flowers growing all around, with bees and butterflies darting between them. No one tried to trample them — why should they? The warriors stood in a line — they all wore the same uniform, and their eyes were a little sad, expressing some strange tension. They waited for the first command, but had no idea what was to come.
— Attention! Hands at your side!"they heard the voice of a man with a beard and high boots. The service had begun.
Louise was upset and went home; it was too early for lunch, so she would go to the Glade where she could lie down, relax and think hard. She was a nature girl, so she wasn't afraid to wear out her dress with loose earth. And she had almost forgotten about the stains on her face.
On the way, Louise had to stop — a group of people caught her attention. The girl came closer — there were boys. Not a single girl. And they were all wearing uniforms. Louise had seen something like this in pictures in textbooks and realized that they were soldiers. Military.
"Was the butterfly right, and do people really want to hurt us?"
And then she saw it. Niels was there, too. He would kill her. He's a warrior. This is the end of it.
"Hey, come on, maybe it's not what you think it is. Appearances are deceiving at times. Sit down and observe,"my heart spoke.
"Why not, though? I believe Niels is a good boy until I can be convinced otherwise,"Louise agreed and sat down on a small rock nearby. The commander who was giving orders to the boys couldn't see her — unless he looked closely, of course. But he was busy. No one paid any attention to Louise — there was no telling what kind of people one might meet in this world.
The boys weren't even firing guns. They were doing all sorts of silly things — running in place, yelling, doing push-ups and squats."What on earth is this? Definitely not a real war,"the girl reassured herself.
She herself didn't know how much time she'd spent in the Glade. Maybe an hour. Or more. The sun had not yet reached its zenith, but soon Louise felt an unpleasant pain — the stone was hard after all, and did not suggest cushions for comfortable observation. What to do? Sit in a different pose? Go home? Go up to the commander and ask how much longer they would be here? The girl still didn't feel any danger and made sure no one was going to kill her."That's fine".
"Meet me tomorrow at your luxurious cottage. I'll be there as soon as I wake up,"Niels heard a gentle whisper in her ear. He had long ago noticed a girl sitting on a rock in the distance, but he didn't show it — if only because he wasn't sure if it was the right girl.
Roxy was determined. On that Saturday afternoon, when Niels had gone on duty and his classmates could get at least a little sleep, the three friends were cozying up on a couch in the café. But, of course, they were not writing a biology report, they were writing an official-looking letter. It was addressed to the Minister. Not just of the City, but of the whole country. They're going to make it. Roxy will be a ruler. Consul, Minister or President. She hasn't decided yet. Besides, Edol's heart wouldn't be free forever. Even though he was weak, Roxy wanted to be close to him. Maybe she didn't want to give him to anyone else. Or maybe she just felt a strong need to love — like eating, drinking, and sleeping. Natural.
Louise applied the green stuff to some particularly large and very sore pimples. Now it was as if she'd caught chicken pox.
It's a good thing Niels didn't see her like that. Or if he did, he didn't see her. How did they see each other and fall in love? For no particular reason. Not for beauty, wit or style, but as a human being. Not everyone can do that. However, for Louise it was just a wonderful adventure, but Niels will also have to divide his life between two worlds — Louise's and the military one. The good and the warring. The wonderful and the ordinary.
The residential complex"Chascha"was located in a stone's throw from the embankment — the river was visible from the windows. The two of them lived on the twentieth floor. He was at work, and Elizabeth stayed home to deal with the paperwork. At the beginning of five she took her purse-shopper out of her dresser and ran to the store to buy some milk and bread. There was no need for anything else — they both didn't like to eat much and often. On the way to the elevator, Elizabeth looked in the mailbox as a matter of habit.
Приведённый ознакомительный фрагмент книги «She is Louise» предоставлен нашим книжным партнёром — компанией ЛитРес.
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