She is Louise

Мария Денисовна Хруль, 2023

Do you like listening to butterflies` singing? Perhaps you even have wings on your back? If yes, then you are a resident of two different worlds, like Louise, who has yet to make a choice – love or magic? True or false? Feelings or a game? Louise lives in a world unlike ours – she is surrounded by Nature in all its glory. The girl is brought up by a nanny, and just a few steps from her house is the border with the world of people – the City. People in the City have been sleeping for many years – they don't want anything, and there is no one to love. But there is one boy in that world to whom Louise has given her heart forever. Will a twelve-year-old girl be able to save a house from destruction, learn to fly and reconcile people with nature if her heart cries because she really loves?


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Приведённый ознакомительный фрагмент книги She is Louise предоставлен нашим книжным партнёром — компанией ЛитРес.

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Chapter Two

The butterflies kept singing, but Louise soon got bored of lying there. She was warming herself a little in the sunlight, and a little summer rain would be nice. Although a gray thunderstorm would be nice too. The girl stretched lazily, lifted her head and found a butterfly sitting on her gray dress, a very pretty butterfly. Louise was not very good at butterfly breeds, although Galya insisted on a good study of the theory of the other world. What was it? On the"mahaon"does not look like, and on the"cabbage girl"too. Maybe it would be possible to talk to her? Louise decided to give it a try:

— Hi. What's your name?

The butterfly only timidly wiggled its antennae. What if it just mistook the little girl for some kind of flower? Too bad Louise couldn't give her guests some pollen.

— You don't want to talk? That's fine. Then why are you sitting on me?"Louise tried to continue the dialog. However, it did not go well, but the butterfly answered:

— If you want to live among us, then learn the language. Our language. There are thirteen grammatical errors in your breath.

— They don't teach that in my school. What's your name?"asked the astonished girl. The lady butterfly had spoken to her — was it not a miracle? So Louise really wasn't quite human. And not quite ordinary.

— Linda-Jane-Madam-Wood-Mistress-Sarah-Wizard Field. Well, goodbye,"she said, and then she flapped her wings and flew off into the sky. Louise remained on the ground.

"I had a chat with her. She is such a sweet mistress! I wonder if butterflies have kings and queens? In the City, as far as I can remember, some sort of Ministr rules. Or Minister."

— Galya, explain to me why mom left me here with you? Why don't I live in the City, because I don't have wings yet?"Louise stopped by the house for lunch and decided to do a little questioning.

— You'll find out a little later, baby,"she replied affectionately, but Louise insisted:

— Why not now? I don't want to wait six years! It's like half my life from the one I've already lived.

— Your mother thinks it would be dangerous for you to be with people.

— And Dad? Isn't he a regular person?

— He is.

— So what…

— You'd have to ask them yourself.

— How can I do that?

— Don't be mad.

— I'm not mad! Not at all.

— Okay, if you are.

— How can I talk to my parents?

— Can't you write an e-mail?"Galya grinned.

— Who? Write what?

— Okay, forget it. You'd better stay out of the modern rhythm.

— But I'll be taken to the City when I grow up?"the excited girl went on. What if she could learn something very important now?

— That's what I said, but plans have changed.

— Whose plans? Mom's and Dad's?"Louise exclaimed, nearly knocking over a bowl of nettle soup.

— Almost.

— You hang out with them, and I'm not allowed to!"Louise even clenched her fists in indignation.

— Is that what you want?"Galina asked.

— What?

— To talk to them.

— We're having a stupid dialog. I talked to a butterfly today.

— That's weird.

— What about my parents?

— Do you want to?

— Yes, I do. I do!

— Then write a letter to your mom. I'll tell you where to send it.

— Where does mom live? Does Daddy live with her?

— Have your lunch and get started. There are sheets of parchment in the drawers,"Galya continued to explain nonchalantly.

— Okay,"the girl replied, but she could not calm down at once: the spoon was running in her hands, and the soup threatened to spill all over the table.

"Why didn't Galya say anything before? Why didn't tell the child that he could write to his parents? His own! Hmm, something's not right here. And I should know what awaits me after my eighteenth birthday. It's unlikely that the crown of some magical princess will fall on me on the same day".

The school day of the hot summer was coming to the end, but Niels was in no hurry to go home, even though he didn't like to miss his Latin lessons (he had to have time to eat and get his textbook). His red hair was even hotter, and it was as if the boy had suddenly become a walking sun himself. At the entrance to the school, Roxy and her friends lingered too. The girls were discussing their current idol, Edol, the boy from the eleventh grade. They were saying that he had single-handedly slain some terrible forest monster, though they all knew that no one had ever seen one. And no one ever will.

Niels would be a warrior, but Edol knew nothing of the border, nor of the Forests and Fields beyond it. Fairies and elves certainly didn't live there (but you never know!), but ancient priestesses or witch doctors might.

The inhabitants of the City were afraid of who could be found outside of it, and those who lived in the border village didn't really want to be pessimistic, but it was ridiculous to deny the fact that there was no one in the neighborhood.

— Where are you going, Niel?"Roxy asked cheekily. She often pretended to be the real ruler of the world, if not of the world, then of the school.

— Never mind. I'll see you tomorrow,"he said, and moved away from the gate, taking his time.

— Why are you being so rude?"the girls, Evie and Thea, started.

— Nothing.

— Goodbye, then!"snapped at Evie, then whispered:"I'll find someone else".

— Evie, don't take offense. He's nothing. He doesn't look like anyone. We're so much cooler,"Roxy told her friend as she flipped through the news feed. The first line of the day read:"A heat wave is coming. Be careful."Why now, she wondered, with important exams looming? Roxy turned off her smartphone and turned to Evie and Thea:

— Shall we play, detectives? Let's find them and destroy. I bet I know who's responsible. Let's show them who's boss.

"Dear Mommy,

Louise, your daughter, writes to you. Although, am I really your daughter? I want to see you very much, but I don't think you share my wish. Do you love me at all? And does my father? Galya doesn't say anything about him, and I'd like to know where he is and how he's doing. Honestly, I don't even know your names.

Tell me, why am I living with Galya in the Forests and Steppes? I'm a child, and a child needs a mother and a father. Sometimes I even feel like an orphan. What made you give up your own daughter? Don't you need me at all?

There's a town near us, but I've never been there. Galya says I don't belong there. I know that ordinary children live there, who will not become Butterflies and will not eat flakes of flower pollen every day. Surely there are schools in the City where all the teenagers go and have fun with each other. Why can't I do the same? I'm a teenager too and I want to make friends and I end up living like a caged animal.

I talked to a butterfly recently, but she didn't say anything sensible. Why would I even want to turn into a Butterfly if I was born human? Are there any other butterfly people like me? What about you? Do you have wings too? Why did nature set it up this way? It's not logical at all.

Galya said that in six years you'll take me away from here. Where will we go when I have wings? If I'm not supposed to come to the City of Men, where are we supposed to live? And what's the point of all this anyway? I don't understand.

I hope you and my father remember that your own daughter lives on this planet at all. Write to me as soon as you can.


The girl reread these lines several times, but did not correct anything. The letter was like a confession of her own soul — Louise was able to pour out on paper everything that had been languishing inside for so long. Would her mother answer her? The girl really wanted to know the answers to a lot of questions, even though it seemed that she was still six years away from transformation. But, really, why is it even necessary? Man was born a human, and an insect was born an insect. It is perfectly natural. Louise knew very well what balance was. Doesn't all this mean that if she becomes a Butterfly, another butterfly will become a human? But who or what would want that? Does the universe itself engage in such nonsense?

— Did you write it?"Galina asked, sitting at the table and stirring something in the pot. This something smelled rotten, but mixed with the wonderful smell of strawberries. It must be strawberries again.

–Yes, it's ready. Can I send it out?

— Maybe now you want a smartphone?"asked the old lady.

— What?"the girl didn't understand. — What is it?

— All the people in the City use them. It's like a magic window — it transmits messages instantly.

— Oh, come on, it's ridiculous. How do you know about this thing?

— I've been around a lot.

— Okay. So I'm gonna go?

— Well. Let me write the address,"Galya took the parchment, folded it four times and wrapped it in a white envelope, on which she wrote:"Chascha, street 15, house 135, apartment 9".

"What an address. I wonder where that is? And why don't they tell me anything?…"Louise thought with annoyance, hiding the envelope in a small wicker bag.

— The mailbox is on the border with the City.

— Will I really be able to go there?

— Yes, go ahead.

— I won't need stamps?

— No. Go on.

— So are you in?

— I don't even know,"Edol answered Roxy's question uncertainly. He was a very tall guy, and he always smelled like some kind of cologne.

— We're going to cross the border and find scary creatures. You've been there, haven't you?

— I was, but…

— Scared?

— Not at all! Okay, I'll go.

— Let's go grab a bite at the pizza cafe and then we'll make a plan.

— Nice. But why are we even doing this?

— You'll find out.

Niels stood behind the fence, listening intently to their conversation with his hands in the pockets of his jeans. This wasn't going to end well.


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Приведённый ознакомительный фрагмент книги She is Louise предоставлен нашим книжным партнёром — компанией ЛитРес.

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