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Психология самоконтроля

Г. С. Никифоров (2020)
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Издание является опытом систематизированного изложения психологических основ теории и практики самоконтроля. Анализируется понятие самоконтроля; рассматриваются особенности его функционирования в психических явлениях (процессы, состояния, свойства) и факторы, влияющие на его реализацию; прослеживаются закономерности формирования самоконтроля в онтогенезе; раскрывается его роль в контексте профессиональной деятельности, а также обеспечении физического и психического здоровья человека. Предназначено для бакалавров, магистров и аспирантов факультетов психологии, практических психологов и педагогов. В формате PDF A4 сохранен издательский макет книги.


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On author’s behalf

The record of self-control as of psychological phenomenon became a thing of the past history. Nevertheless for a long time this phenomenon hasn’t been involved in the scientific circle. Only in the end of XIX century a concept of self-control started to penetrate into special psychological literature more often. But the real scientific, and before all experimental, development of psychological aspects of self-control began in the second half of XX century. Self-control now has stepped out of the limits of a private psychology task, so it’s possible to mention the more broadening interest to it as to a vital problem. Strengthening attention to self-control is explained by more widespread understanding of its fundamental role in the organization of person’s vital activity.

Self-control is regarded as an obligatory sign of consciousness and self-consciousness. Self-control acts as the condition of person’s adequate mental reflection both of person’s inner world and of practical reality surrounding this person.

In this capacity self-control proves to be involved in all spheres of mental phenomena, characteristic of person (processes, states, features). The diversity of self-control means is represented at various levels of psychics functioning: from the flow of separate cognitive processes up to the choice of behaviour causes.

The following features: unformed self-control ability, missing skills to use self-control or unwillingness to apply to selfcontrol, as well as neglect of its results — they all inevitably lead to negative consequences: professional failures, antisocial behaviour, person’s collapse.

Without any exaggeration one can stress the huge role of self-control in the practical activity of a person. Self-control as a matter of fact is directly aimed at the timely preventing mistakes or finding already done mistakes in any kind of person’s activity.

Complexity and conditions of the activity type, as well as the motivation nature, individual and psychological features, etc. influence the application to self-control. Safe and accident-free labour is unthinkable without self-control. By means of self-control a person can check the correctness of the deeds and actions, as well as adequacy of various forms of behaviour to person’s rights and duties toward the society.

In the context of social, age-specific and differential, pedagogical, medical, legal and some other fields of psychological science the potential of opening the peculiarities of realizing self-control are far from exhausting. Such complex examination of self-control will enrich and formulate more perfect presentations of this phenomenon as of one of the most important division of the science of a person.

G. S. Nikiforov

Honoured Scientist of Russian Federation,

Doctor of Psychology,

Professor of Saint-Petersburg State University


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