Занятия №№20—21. Время суток
Чтение буквы Ee в открытом слоге: Ee [i: ]
street, see, green, feet, tree, teen, week,
three, ween, fee, bee, feet, seek, seen,
weel, pee, meet, she, sleep, need, heel,
seel, sweep, green, weel, teen, need, seek,
deep, peen, bee, pee, keen, cheese, tree
Лексика: day, morning, afternoon, evening, night
Грамматика: Настоящее простое время. Глагол to like.
Morning, afternoon and night
The day today was very bright.
There are four parts of the day:
morning, afternoon, evening and night.
In the morning we say «Good morning».
In the afternoon people say «Good afternoon».
In the evening we say «Good evening».
At night we say «Good night».
Конец ознакомительного фрагмента.