Занятия №№16—17. Еда
Чтение буквы Oo в закрытом слоге: Oo [ᴐ]
not, plot, clock, dog, cotton, cross, drop,
hot, flock, frog, hot, log, host, hostess,
doctor, mock, lot, not, top, stop, spot,
of, lop, pot, got, sold, pond, often,
rock, pop, rod, rot, pot, cock, cross
Чтение буквы Uu в закрытом слоге: Uu [ᴧ]
number, bucket, dull, sun, cut, butter, shut,
brush, bus, cut, cutter, uncle, but, much,
club, cup, Sunday, nut, dull, dust, us,
lunch, hung, fun, funny, plus, must, luck,
just, gun, drunk, mum, hundred, duster, supper
Исключения: put [put], pull [pul], push [puʃ]
Лексика: apples, bananas, candies, biscuits, bread, juice, milk, eggs, cheese, chocolate, tea, fish, coffee, vegetables
Грамматика: Множественное число имен существительных.
I like… I don’t like… He/ She likes… He/ She doesn’t like…
Let’s drink tea
In the kitchen with me.
Vegetables and fruit
Are my favourite food.
Чтение. My favourite food
On Sundays I and my brother Tom visit our grandmother and grandfather. They live in the country. They have a cow. It gives milk. I like milk very much. It is my favourite food. But Tom doesn’t like it. He likes chocolate.
Ответьте на вопросы:
1. What is your favourite food?
2. Does Tom like milk?
3. What does he like?
Образец устной речи учащихся:
I like apples / bananas / candies / biscuits.
I don’t like fish / coffee / vegetables.
He likes bread / juice / eggs / cheese / chocolate / tea.
He doesn’t like milk.