Занятия №№10—11. Дом. Комнаты
Чтение буквы Ii в закрытом слоге: Ii [i]
pig, big, is, his, six, him, it,
skip, slim, sing, swim, pin, kit, did,
kid, in, win, list, drink, bit, hit,
milk, lip, film, sit, risk, wig, wisp,
wind, will, Bill, Jill Willy, Billy, tin
Чтение буквы Aa в закрытом слоге: Aa [ᴂ]
bag, cat, mat, tap, hand, pan, pat,
rat, and, slap, had, map, drank, ham,
hat, fax, flat, flag, fat, gas, glad,
can, cap, clap, band, act, actor, apple,
back, black, camp, dad, mad, sad, bad
Лексика: living-room, bedroom, bathroom, dining-room, kitchen, games room
Грамматика: конструкция there is / are
— Where is your house,
Pretty little mouse?
— I live alone
And I’ve got no house.
Чтение. My House
I have got a house. There is a kitchen, a living-room, a bedroom,
a bathroom in the house. I have got my room. It is big and nice.
Ответьте на вопросы: Yes/No (устно или письменно):
1. Do you have a house?
2. Is there a kitchen in the house?
3. Is there a dining-room in the house?
4. Do you have your room?
Образец устной речи учащихся:
I have got a house. There is a kitchen, a dining-room, a living-room, a bedroom, a bathroom in the house. I have got my room. It is nice.