1) Meeting People Grammar: Word order; Interrogative sentences; Personal pronouns; To be, to have, to do
2) My Family Grammar: The article; Posessive pronouns; Prepositions
3) My Study Grammar: It; Noun; Demonstrative pronouns
Task 1. Answer the questions.
1) What is your name? ( My name is… My surname is…) 2) Where are you from? ( I am from…) 3) How old are you? ( I am…) 4) What do you do?
5) Is your family large or small? ( My family is…) 6) What is your hobby?
7) What are you good at?
Task 2. Memorize the following words and phrases.
1. Hello! Hi! — Привет!
2. How do you do? — Здравствуйте.
3. Let me introduce myself. — Позвольте мне представиться.
4. Meet my friend (my sister…). — Познакомьтесь с моим другом (сестрой).
5. Glad (pleased) to meet you. — Приятно с Вами познакомиться.
6. I remember we have met before. — Я помню, мы встречались раньше.
7. Please, call me by my first name. — Пожалуйста, называйте меня по имени.
8. I’m afraid you’re mistaking me for someone else. — Боюсь, Вы меня с кем-то путаете.
9. How are you? — Как дела?
10. Fine, thanks. And you? — Хорошо, спасибо. А у Вас?
8. So, so. — Так себе.
9. See you soon. — Пока.
10. Here is my address and my telephone number, just in case. — Здесь мой адрес и номер моего телефона, на всякий случай.
11. patronymic [ pætrə΄nimik] — отчество
12. private [΄praivit] address [ə΄dres] — адрес
13. curriculum vitae [kə΄rikjuləm΄vi: tai] — сведения об учебе и трудовой деятельности
14. What languages [΄læŋgwiʤiz] do you speak? — На каких языках ты говоришь?
15. I speak English and a little French. — Я говорю по-английски и немного пофранцузски.
16. What do you like doing in your spare time? — Чем любите заниматься в свободное время?
17. I am fond of dancing (football, music, cooking,…). — Я увлекаюсь танцами (футболом, музыкой, люблю готовить,… ).
20. My hobby is reading. — Мое хобби — чтение.
21. I am good at sport. — Я успешно занимаюсь спортом.
Task 3. Respond to the following remarks.
1) — Let me introduce myself. My name is Oliver Brown.
2) — Hello, Nick!
3) — How are you?
4) — What do you do?
5) — What is your mother’s occupation?
6) — Is your family large?
7) — What is your hobby?
8) — Meet my friend Peter.
9) — How do you do.
Task 4. Match the questions and answers.

Personal characteristics
Task 5. Use a dictionary to look up new words and complete the chart.
Strong and fit; trustworthy, persistent and hardworking; punctual and careful; wellmannered and tactful; lazy; bright and intelligent; absent-minded; shy; know how to deal with all sorts of people; a rude person; active and creative, can cook well.

Star signs

There are 12 star signs, and people who belong to a definite sign have their own character, habits and manners.

Task 6. Examine the description and check your partner’s star sign. Do you think it’s true or untrue? Copy and complete the chart below.

Task 7. Complete the following after the model:
Model: Capricorns are economical because they always save their pocket money.
1.… are absent-minded because they…
2.… are active and ambicious because they…
3.… make friends easily because they…
4.… are honest and frank because they…
5.… are hard-working because they…
Task 8. Put the letters in the correct order to make the names of the following jobs and occupations: экономист, шофер, инженер, фермер, врач, строитель, учитель. What star signs are the best for them?
Ramfer, neigreen, dverir, cheater, rotcod, biudrle, meconotsi.
Task 9. Fill in the form:

What do you look like?
Use the words to describe a person:
A girl (a woman): nice, pretty, long/short-haired, fair/dark-haired, blonde, blue/brown-eyed, slim, fat, long-legged, a pleasant smile, is wearing jeans, goodlooking, pleasant, kind, beautiful.
A man: young, handsome, strong, well-built, tall/short, dark/fair-haired, has brown eyes, a big (small, straight) nose, short-cut hair, curly hair.
Text 1
We can communicate with other people in many different ways. We can talk and write, and we can send messages with our hands and faces. There is also the phone (including the mobile!), the fax and e-mail. Television, film, painting, and photography can also communicate ideas.
Developing good communication skills is an important part of living a fulfilled life (полноценная жизнь) because:
• The average worker spends 50 percent of his or her time communicating.
• Business success is 85 percent dependent on effective communication and interpersonal skills (способность строить отношения и взаимопонимание с людьми).
• Forty-five percent of time spent communicating is listening.
• Writing represents nine percent of communication time.
• One-fourth of all workplace mistakes are the result of poor communication.
No matter (независимо от) what your age, background, or experience, effective communication is a skill you can learn.
Obviously, it is impossible to tell someone how to have a conversation, but here are some things that help:
• Ask questions.
• Show that you are interested.
• Don’t just answer yes or no.
• Try to add a comment of your own.
• Don’t let the conversation stop.
Exercise. 1. Scan the text.
Exercise 2. Here is the plan. Is it true?
I Ways of communication
II Importance of communication
III Having a conversation
Exercise 3. Choose the best answer.
— Hello, what’s your name?
a) Mary. b) Mary. And what’s your name?
— What a lovely day, isn’t it?
a) Oh, yes. I like such weather. What kind of weather do you like? b) Hmm, I don’t know.
— Where are you from?
a) Moscow. b) I come from Moscow, one of the busiest cities of the world. And what about you?
— Are you having a good time?
a) Hmm, yes. b) Yes, I meet a lot of people and see wonderful places.
Exercise 4. Write your tips to improve conversations within other people.
Introduce yourself and your friend.
Правила чтения гласных в ударном слоге
Открытый слог
Открытый слог оканчивается на гласную или на согласную, за которой следует немая гласная «е». Как правило, в таком слоге гласная читается так же как в алфавите.

Exercise 1. Read the words correctly.
a) date, lake, safe, make, take, state, plane, wave, frame, plate, mis΄take.
b) me, he, we, be, she, eve, Pete, these, theme.
c) I, hi, mine, wife, time, de΄fine, wine, like, dis΄like, a΄live, in΄vite, five,
d) no, go, home, alone, close, slope, note, ago, rose, hope, wrote, spoke, zone, pole.
e) use, re΄fuse, mule, tune, tube, ΄human, ΄student, super, a΄cute, June.
f) my, sky, why, try, type, cycle, fly, rely, apply, supp΄ly, dry, dyne, style.
!!! Remember: have [hæv], give [giv], some [s٨m], come [k٨m], live [liv], do [du:], two [tu:].
Закрытый слог
При закрытом положении слог оканчивается на одну или более согласных ( кроме r) в односложных словах, или за ударной гласной следуют две или более согласных ( кроме r) в многосложных словах. Все гласные в таком положении читаются кратко.

!!! Remember: Буква o перед m, n, th, v передаёт звук [٨]. e. g. London, Monday, son, front, month, another, mother, love, brother.
Буква u в словах: pull, full, put, push читается как [u]
Exercise 2. Read the words correctly.
a) map, sat, sad, stand, lamp, happy, apple, cat, fat, plan, bag, land, as, man, battle.
b) desk, net, next, bed, fed, red, men, ten, left, melt, send, sent, smell, best, end.
c) tip, lip, miss, will, fit, this, slim, disk, differ, win, clip, since, resist, sit, pick.
d) crop, stop, fodder, cross, on, not, pot, lot, got, offer, spot, hot, lock, dog, fog, log.
e) up, plus, cut, sun, be΄gun, bus, must, butter, bulb, pulse, number, re΄sult, ΄hundred.
!!! f) have, love, come, some, glove, dove, mother, pull, push, full, put, monk.
Чтение гласных в сочетании с “r”

!!! Remember w+ar [o: ] war, ward
w+o [ə:] work, word, world.
В безударном положении на конце слов буквосочетания: or, er дают нейтральный звук: [ ə:] instructor, worker.
Exercise 3. Read the words correctly.
a) start, smart, car, far, dark, mark, lark, star, part, ΄party, park, farm, ΄farming.
b) for, sport, thorn, storm, or, born, corn, scorn, forth, fork, pork, North.
c) fur, curl, ΄murder, hurl, burn, ΄burning, burst, ab΄surd, oc΄cur, purpose.
d) first, sir, thirsty, dirt, ΄dirty, firm, skirt, shirt, ΄circle, ΄circus, fir, girl, ΄birthday.
e) her, ΄certain, ΄certainly, in΄sert, term, ΄terminal, re΄verse, Uni΄verse, in΄ternal,
f) director, factor, worker, computer, semester, manager, fertilizer, tutor,
Чтение согласной “c”

Exercise 4. Read the words correctly.
Circle, act, cube, chalk, case, cut, match, class, cattle, customer, cucumber, chalk, chemistry, center, century, bicycle, circumstances, machine.
Порядок слов в английском предложении
В английском языке в повествовательном предложении существует фиксированный порядок слов: 1 место — подлежащее, 2 место — сказуемое, 3 место — дополнение, 4 место — обстоятельство. Обстоятельство может стоять также в начале предложения (0 место). Определение является единственным членом предложения, который не имеет фиксированного положения. Оно стоит с существительным, к которому относится.

M — modifier ( обстоятельство ); S — subject ( подлежащее) P — predicate ( сказуемое ); O — object ( дополнение ); A — attribute (определение)
Некоторые обстоятельства, выраженные наречиями неопределённого времени (always, also, probably, often, seldom, never, usually, rarely, sometimes, и др.) ставятся сразу перед сказуемым-глаголом. Если глагол to be входит в состав сказуемого, то такое обстоятельство стоит после него.
Eg. Tom always goes to work by car. She is never asked at seminars.
Exercise 1. Make up sentences.
1) Football, every, play, I, day.
2) Pete, pop, and, music, likes, classical, very much.
3) Much, farmers, have, in, work, autumn, year, every.
4) Brother, a, bought, my, interesting, book, very, in, on, the bookshop, biology.
5) Is, he, late, always.
Вопросительные предложения
В английском языке существует четыре типа вопросов: общий, специальный, альтернативный и разделительный.
Общий вопрос (General question) это вопрос, относящийся ко всему предложению и требующий ответа yes/no. E.g. Do you know the Browns? — Yes, I do / No, I don’t.
Специальный вопрос (Special question) это вопрос к какому-либо члену предложения и требует конкретного ответа. Здесь участвует вопросительное слово. Существует два типа специальных вопросов:
— к группе подлежащего (здесь нет вспомогательного глагола. E.g. Who lives in London? )
— к любому другому члену предложения. E.g. Where is Mark?
Вопросительные слова: What? When? Who? Why? Where? How many ( much )? How? Whom? Which? Whose?
Альтернативный вопрос (Alternative question) это вопрос, в основе которого лежит выбор-альтернатива. Здесь участвует союз or. E.g. Do you study English or German?
Разделительный вопрос (Disjunctive question) это вопрос, состоящий из двух частей всегда противоположных друг другу (первая часть — утвердительное или отрицательное предложение, вторая ( Question tag) — переспрос, состоящий из вспомогательного глагола и личного местоимения, заменяющего подлежащее. Переспрос переводится: «не так ли?»). E.g. You don’t like winter, do you? He was there, wasn’t he?
Exercise 2. Put a question tag at the end of each sentence.
1) Ann’s on holiday,…
2) You weren’t listening,…
3) Sue doesn’t like onions,…
4) Jack applied for the job,…
5) He won’t mind if I come early,…
6) He had not seen her before,…
7) She is right,…
Порядок слов в вопросительном предложении
Порядок слов в вопросительном предложении определяется одной схемой, независимо от временной формы глагола-сказуемого.
Рассмотрим пример: We borrow books from the library.

Exercise 3. Put questions of different types to the sentences.
1) He is in the room. 2) We like holidays. 3) They are buying a new computer. 4) She has got three sisters in Moscow. 5) They are not ready today. 6) My flat is on the second floor. 7) Ann didn’t see my report. 8) We see many books on the shelves. 9) Every week Dan writes a letter.
Личные местоимения

В английском языке глаголы to be, to have, to do являются многофункциональными.

Следует помнить, что модальные конструкции: to be to, to have to имеют одинаковое значение должен, однако с разными оттенками долженствования. E.g. I am to go there. — Я обязан ( должен по плану, по договорённости) поехать туда. I have to go there. — Я вынужден поехать туда ( должен вместо Н., который заболел ).
have, have+got, do+have1
Форма have без got и do сохраняется в устной и письменной формах официально-делового стиля. Например:
Have you an appointment?
Однако неосложненное have постепенно вытесняется формами с got и do.
Have you got the money? ( обладание)
Do you have the money?
I’ve got a new car.
She hasn’t got a car.
He has got a brother. ( родственные отношения)
Устойчивые сочетания на основе глагола have
I have ( got) a cold. — Я простудился.
He has an appointment. — У него назначена встреча.
He has a lesson. — У него занятие.
He has breakfast ( dinner, lunch,…) at 7. — Он завтракает в 7.
to have a swim ( a bath, a shave, a sleep, a day off, a nice evening, a walk, a shower, a rest, a dream, a holiday)
She has a baby. — У нее родился ребенок.
I’ve got an idea. — У меня есть идея.
Вопросы с этими сочетаниями бывают только с do, did.
Eg. Did you have a good holiday?
Exercise 1. Use: am, is, are.
1) He… a student. 2) You… French. 3) I… a teacher. 4) It… a car. 5) Nick… from Glasgow. 6) Ann… a doctor. 7) We… to go there. 8) He… sleeping now. 9) We… in Moscow now. 10) They… invited to the party. 11) Ann… to learn the poem.
Exercise 2. Use: have (got), has (got).
1) We… many relatives in Moscow. 2) They… to study many subjects. 3) She… a good computer. 4) I… done the work. 5) Linda… a brother. 6) David and Mike… to correct all their mistakes. 7) Nick… to water plants. 8) I… a good day.
Exercise 3. Use: do, does.
1)… you like this book? 2) We… this work together. 3)You… not play tennis. — But I… 4) He… his work on time. 5) Julia and Ann… like my cooking! 6) My brother… not want to live in a noisy street. 7) His dog… not play with mine.
Exercise 4. Use: I, you, he, she, it, we, they. Sometimes several variants are possible.
1)… am speaking now. 2) Where are Kate and Jane?… are playing volleyball in the park. 3)… don’t like rain.… brings me in a bad mood. 4)… is not late.… is on time. 5) What color is your new car? — … is white. 6)… have to work in the garden today. 7)… am to stay at home on Sunday. 8)… are to go to Moscow this week. Are… going with us? 9) Mary is playing the piano.… is a good musician.
Exercise 5. Point out the functions of the verbs to be, to have, to do. Translate the sentences.
1) I don’t play chess well. 2) He is an engineer. 3) She has to work this Saturday. 4) We have got a new car. It is blue. 5) Pete is in London. He is to make a report about an agricultural exhibition. 6) Sorry, we are late. 7) They did win all the matches! 8) Why don’t you visit him? 9) He doesn’t do his work. He is in hospital. 10) We have to correct this mistake immediately. 11) Her car is broken. 12) Thanks for everything — we had a great time. 13) Have you ever had your own business? 14) She didn’t pay cash, did she? 15) Let’s have a look at it.
Exercise 6. Translate the sentences.
1) Он не инженер. Он студент. 2) Нам придётся сделать это самим. 3) — Вы делаете утреннюю зарядку каждый день? — Да. 4) — Что она сейчас делает? — Она рисует. 5) — Где ваша машина? — Она в гараже. 6) — У него есть брат? — Нет, у него есть сестра. 7) Тебе предстоит поехать туда. 8) Как у тебя дела? — Хорошо, спасибо. 9) Кто она по профессии? — Повар. 10) — Ты не любишь зиму. — Очень люблю. 11) Она действительно учится водить машину ( to drive a car ).
Exercise 7. Some sentences are wrong. Correct them.
1) I had a garden big near my house.
2) She have a new neighbour.
3) Their house are not very large.
4) We always do our work well and in time.
5) We are to cook dinner.
6) He has to stay at home yesterday.
7) Lived I at the hotel.
8) It is cold, is it?
9) Baltimore is not far from Washington.
10) Be quiet!
11) You knows as much as I do.
12) Who has eaten all the grapes?
Task 1. Answer the questions.
1) Do you live with your family?
2) Is your family large?
3) How many people are there in your family? Who are they?
4) Do you have any brothers or sisters?
5) Who is the youngest in your family?
6) Who do you look like?
7) Have you got a pet?
8) What is your brother’s (sister’s) hobby?
9) What is your mother’s (father’s) occupation?
Task 2. Interview your groupmates. Find someone in your group whose family is large, ( whose mother’s name is Mary, whose father is a doctor, who has relatives abroad, whose hobby is cooking ).
Use the phrases: — May I ask you a question?
— Yes, certainly
— Have you got… ( What is your…? What is… hobby?)
— Really?
Task 3. Complete the table.

Task 4. Memorize the following words and phrases:
1. relative [΄relətiv] — родственник; distant/close [΄distənt] [kləus] дальний/близкий
2. to be married [΄mærid] — быть замужем (женатым)
3. to get married — пожениться
4. to be single [΄siŋgl] — быть не замужем (не женатым)
5. to follow family customs [΄k٨stəmz] — соблюдать семейные традиции
6. to take after his (her) mother (father) in character — унаследовать характер матери (отца)
7. to look like smb. — быть похожим на…
8. close — дружный
9. to be bossy [bosi] — любить командовать, быть властным
10. old-fashioned [΄əuld΄fæ∫ənd] — старомодный, старинный
11. to earn [ə: n] money [΄m٨ni] — зарабатывать деньги
12. to take care [kεə] of — заботиться
13. to keep a family — содержать семью
14. to keep house — вести хозяйство
15. leisure [΄leʒə] — досуг; at leisure — на досуге
16. to bring up children — воспитывать детей
17. to spend time (spent, spent) — проводить время
18. mutual [΄mju:tʃuəl] respect — взаимоуважение; to respect — уважать
19. to make up a quarrel [΄kworəl] — уладить ссору
20. to argue [΄a: gju: ] — спорить
21. to be cross with smb. — сердиться на кого-л.
22. to celebrate [΄selibreit] a jubilee [΄ʤu: bili: ] — праздновать юбилей
23. to have (give) a party — устраивать вечеринку
24. pocket [΄pokit] money — карманные деньги
25. to hate doing smth. — ненавидеть (что-либо делать)
26. to enjoy [in΄ʤoi] — наслаждаться
27. to be proud [praud] of — гордиться
28. to be missing — скучать
29. family tree — семейное дерево
30. to get on with smb. — ладить, хорошо общаться
31. to annoy — раздражать
Task 5. Finish up the sentences.
1) My mother has got a sister. She is my…
2) I have got a brother. His wife is my…
3) My aunt’s children are my…
4) I have got a sister. Her son is my…
5) My father has got a brother. He is my…
6) My mother has got a father. He is my…
7) My cousin is fond of…
Task 6. Complete the sentences:
a) I hate it when my sister (brother, nephew…)…
b) I don’t like people who…
c) It realy annoys my mother (dad) when I (my friends, people)…
d) I enjoy…
For ideas: talk too loudly, always arrive late, leave things on the floor, always on the phone, watch sport on TV, driving a car, swimming.
Task 7. Divide the following words into two groups: 1) work 2) hobby ( Can one and the same word go into both groups?)
Swimming, knitting, repairing, reading, dancing, driving a car, working in the garden, translating, computer, cooking.
Task 8. Translate the phrases. Make up sentences with them.
A friend of my aunt, to speak of something, one of them; to operate by hand, to speak by telephone, to sit by the window, a book by Tolstoy; to speak about my family, he is about thirty; to speak to my mother, to write with a pencil, to get on with everybody.
Task 9. Translate the sentences.
1) Моя мама — учитель. 2) Мы с отцом любим футбол. 3) У моей тёти очень много старинных вещей. 4) Аня пошла в мать характером. 5) Моё хобби — компьютерные игры. 6) Моя сестра — экономист. У неё есть малыш. Её свекровь помогает ей с ним. Я тоже люблю моего племянника. 7) Мой дедушка — фермер. 8) Я терпеть не могу готовить на всю семью. 9) Что труднее: зарабатывать деньги или воспитывать детей? 10) Я старшая, поэтому мне приходится улаживать споры. 11) Мы гордимся нашим дедушкой.
Task 10. In pairs, act out and translate the dialogues.
a) — Have you got a large family?
— No, my family is rather small: my wife, my only son and I.
— What is your son’s name? How old is he? What is his hobby?
— Not so many questions at once. My son, Alec, is eleven and he is fond of computer games.
b) — Is your family large?
— Not very large. There are four of us: my wife, my two children and I.
— How old are your children?
— My son is fourteen and my daughter is twenty.
— What do they do?
— My son is a schoolboy. My daughter is a student.
— I see.
c) — Do you often see the Browns?
— Yes, I do.
— What do they do?
— Mr Brown is a doctor and works at the hospital all day.
— And what about his wife, Mrs Brown?
— Oh, she isn’t working now. She has a baby.
— I see.
d) — Hi, Mary! Is your son at home?
— Yes, he is. What’s the matter?
— I want to introduce him to my daughter.
— Really? And what does she like doing?
— Well, she likes dancing, singing songs, and going to parties…
— Oh, my son doesn’t like dancing, he doesn’t sing songs and he doesn’t like going out.
— And what does he like then?
— He’s fond of reading, cooking, and working in the garden.
Task 10. In pairs, act out a conversation about your families.
Тext 1
My Family
Let me introduce myself. My name is Philip Stanley. I am 40. I am a doctor. I work at a hospital in Liverpool. Liverpool is the biggest city in Lancashire. I like my work very much. I am married. My wife’s name is Linda. She is 32. She is kind and beautiful. She is a teacher at school. Our hobby is working in the garden. Our daughter Nora is 12. She is a schoolgirl. She looks like her mother and takes after her mother in character. Her hobby is dancing.
My parents are farmers. They have got a farm not far from the city. They breed pigs. But best of all they like roses. They have to work from morning till night. I have got many relatives: uncles, aunts, cousins, nephews. We often get together at our parents’ house.
Exercise 1. Read and translate the text.
Exercise 2. In pairs, agree or disagree with the following statements:
Use the phrases: You are right (to a certain extent). — Вы правы ( отчасти ).
You are mistaken. — Вы ошибаетесь.
1) Philip Stanley is a farmer.
2) He lives in the biggest city of Lancashire.
3) He is married and has got a son.
4) Linda is a doctor.
5) Linda’s hobby is dancing.
6) Their parents’ farm is far from the city.
7) They breed pigs and rabbits.
8) They are a close family.
Exercise 3. Complete the chart with information about Philip’s family.

Exercise 4. Tell your groupmates about your family.
In groups, discuss the following: 1) the advantages and disadvantages of growing up in a large (small) family; 2) your idea of a close family 3) the head of the family; 4) “generation gap”.
Use the words:
To my mind (по-моему); it is difficult to say (трудно сказать); to help each other (помогать друг другу); to get together at one’s parents’ house (собираться в доме родителей); the parents’ attention (родительское внимание); more financial support (больше финансовой поддержки); to receive better education (получить лучшее образование); to feel lonely (чувствовать себя одиноким); to be a burden for smb. (быть обузой); to respect (уважать); to be economical (быть экономным); to earn more money (зарабатывать больше денег); to keep house (вести домашнее хозяйство); to have a strong character (обладать сильным характером); to be a reliable person (быть надёжным человеком).
Задание на аудирование
Прослушайте текст (Unit 1 Text 1 “My Biography”) дважды и постарайтесь понять его содержание. Выполните предложенные задания.
1) Finish up the sentences.
My name is…
My surname is…
I was born in…
But now I live in…
My family consists of… people. They are…
I am a student of… My future specialization is…
My hobbies are…
2) Which of the following statements are false?
He was born in spring.
He was born in a small town.
Now they live in Samara.
His mother is a bookkeeper.
He has got an elder sister. He is a first-year student.
His future profession is connected with automobiles.
English is one of his favourite subjects.
3) Make up a plan of the text and retell it.
Буквосочетания с “e”

!!! Remember [e] treasure, measure, weather, feather, heavy.
Exercise 1. Read the words correctly.
a) seek, feel, geese, feet, deep, bee, seen, wheel, meet, meeting, see, week, green.
b) clean, sea, mean, meaning, deal, speak, speaker, peak, please, reading, stream.
c) near, hear, dear, clear, appear, disappear, nearest, tear, ear, fear, dearest. rear, rearing, gear-box, shear.
d) beer, jeer, deer, severe, mere, here, pioneer, sphere, atmosphere, cheer, steer.
e) head, bread, headed, dead, meadow.
f) grey, Jersey, survey, convey, they, obey, eight, weight, freight.
g) learn, pearl, heard, early, earth, rehearsal.
Чтение согласной “g”

!!!Remember [g] girl, get, give, forgive, gear.
Exercise 2. Read the words correctly.
Page, gun, gentle, gender, germ, grade, huge, give, game, judge, egg, eggs, engine, wing, sing, spring, tank, sink.
В английском языке два артикля: определённый (the) и неопределённый (a, an). Артикль — служебное слово, являющееся определителем существительного.
Неопределённый артикль (a, an) употребляется только в единственном числе, когда лицо или предмет не знакомы или употребляются впервые. Имеет значение: один из многих, какой-то, любой.
Определённый артикль (the) употребляется как в единственном, так и во множественном числе а также с неисчисляемыми существительными, когда лицо или предмет знакомы или известны говорящиму, и слушающему.
E.g. Her sister has got a nice house. (Собеседник впервые слышит о доме её сестры). The house faces my office. (Он уже знает, о каком доме идёт речь, т. е. о ранее упомянутом доме её сестры).

Артикли всегда относятся к существительным, поэтому при отсутствии существительного артикль употребляться не может. Артикль не используется, если перед существительным употребляется притяжательное местоимение, указательное местоимение, существительное в притяжательном падеже или местоименное наречие (some, any, a few, many, much, etc.). Eg. our garden, this man, much energy.
Определенный артикль употребляется, если перед существительным стоит
а) порядковое числительное: the first day;
б) прилагательное в превосходной степени: the best friend;
в) слова: wrong, right, same, only: the wrong size
Определенный артикль употребляется, если существительное обозначает уникальную вещь, единственную в своем роде: the moon, the sun.
Exercise 1. Put in a, an, some or nothing. Sometimes some variants are possible.
1) Have you got… camera?
2) Would you like to be… actor?
3) Do you collect… stamps?
4) Tom always gives Ann… flowers for her birthday.
5) What… beautiful garden!
6)… birds cannot fly.
7) When I was… child, I used to be shy.
8) Jane is… teacher.
9) You need… visa to visit… foreign countries.
Exercise 2. Put in a or the or nothing.
1) I am looking for… job.
2) Close… door, please.
3) We live in… small flat in… center of… town..
4) This is… nice house. Is there… garden near it?
5)… Soviet Union is… first country to send… man into space.
6)… longest river in Great Britain is… Severn.
7) When do you have… dinner?
Притяжательные местоимения
Притяжательные местоимения выражают принадлежность и отвечают на вопрос чей? чья? чьё? чьи?
Притяжательные местоимения имеют две формы:
1) простую (или зависимую, т. е. после неё следует существительное, возможно с прилагательным)
E.g. My book; my new book.
2) независимую (употребляется самостоятельно, подразумевая ранее упомянутое существительное)
E.g. I have no pen. Give me yours, please.

Exercise 1. Complete the chain.
a) I — … — mine
b)… — his — his
c) she — her — …
d) we — … — …
e)… — … — yours
f)… — their — …
Exercise 2. Choose the correct variant.
1) I’ve left… pen, give me… (yours, your, my, mine), please.
2) Is… family large? ( your, yours)
3) Mr. Brown and Mrs. Brown have got two children. Both… children are boys. ( their, theirs)
4)… profession is more interesting than… ( hers, his,)
5) I don’t like… pencil, please, give me… ( my, your, yours)
6) Whose aunt is in the hall? — … ( mine, my)
7) We are French and… friends are English. ( our, ours)
8)… daughter has a dog.… nose is long. ( its, her, mine, my)
Exercise 3. Replace the personal pronouns by the corresponding possessive pronouns.
1) ( We) table is near the window.
2) I have some books in ( I) bookcase.
3) ( She) family is in London now.
4) Those are ( they) instruments.
5) This is a table. ( It) surface is equal to 4 square meters.
6) ( I) mother is a doctor. 7) ( We) family is small.

Exercise 4. Use the right prepositions.
1. She is… thirty.
2. Please leave my mail… my table.
3. Let’s listen… Mike.
4. There are many people… the park today.
Конец ознакомительного фрагмента.