27. The Traveller and the Witch (2)
If the witch was disappointed, she didn’t show it.
“Well done,” she said, laying the table. “It is always a pleasure to share a meal with a clever man.”
disappointed разочарованный; show показывать; well done здесь: молодец (похвала); lay the table накрывать на стол; pleasure удовольствие; share a meal разделить трапезу (с кем-либо)
The next morning, the man went to the kitchen to say goodbye to the witch.
“It’s a pity you are leaving,” said the Bony Leg. “I’d rather you didn't go so soon. It is hard to find such good company nowadays. Do you mind if ask you another riddle? If you don’t solve it, you will stay with me for three months and three days.”
The traveller seemed to hesitate.
I’d rather я бы предпочла; nowadays в наши дни; do you mind if ты не возражаешь, если; hesitate колебаться, быть в нерешительности ◊ The traveller seemed to hesitate. Казалось, путник колеблется.
“Three months is a long time,” he said. “But, alright. Ask your riddle.”
“Here it is: If you have me, you want to share me. If you share me, you haven't got me. What am I?”
The traveler told her. There was nothing to do but to let him go.
share делиться, поделиться с кем-либо; There was nothing to do but to let him go. Ничего не оставалось, кроме как отпустить его.
And you, dear reader, do you know the answer to this riddle? If you don’t, this rebus may give you a clue.