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  3. Елизавета Хейнонен


Елизавета Хейнонен (2021)
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Бесчестный дворецкий желает завладеть богатством своей хозяйки, уже не молодой, но некогда знаменитой актрисы кино, однако череда непредвиденных случайностей не дает его планам сбыться. Книга рассчитана на широкий круг читателей, обладающих словарным запасом не менее в одну тысячу английских слов. Она содержит большое количество диалогов, написанных современным английским языком. Все диалоги снабжены подробными комментариями к отдельным словам и речевым оборотам. Комментарии должны помочь читателю лучше чувствовать и понимать иностранный язык, а также существенно расширить свой словарный запас. Правильность понимания текста можно проверить, сравнив свой перевод с прилагаемым русским текстом диалогов.


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The butler went to look for Bijou, leaving Madame alone with her friend.

Madame: Oh, Albert! It is so good to see you!

Stanton: Madeleine, my dear! (Kissing her hand:) Still the softest hands in all of New York!

Madame: You’re a shameless flatterer, Albert.

Stanton: You know how much I admire you, dear Madeleine. I always have, and I always will. Oh, I see, you’ve got a new poster.

Madame: Yes. I received it the other day. (13) The queen of thieves in The Hopeless. It was my favorite role. Do you remember?

Stanton: How could I forget?

Madame: I was so beautiful.

Stanton: To me, you’re still the most beautiful woman in the world.

Bijou (running into the room): Bow-wow!

Madame: Bijou! My precious! Where have you been? Come to your granny! Let me kiss you. (Turning to Stanton:) He is cute, isn’t he?

Stanton: He certainly is.

Madame: Bijou, say hello to Albert.

Bijou: Bow-wow!

Madame: That’s my boy! (14) (To Stanton:) You see? He understands every word. He is quite an intelligent little dog. (15) He is also the reason I asked you to come, Albert. I would like to make my will. (16) As you know, I have no living relatives. I want to leave everything I have to Bijou. I’m very worried for him. He is an orphan, and I’m afraid that when I die, he may land in a dog shelter. (17)

Stanton: My dear Madeleine…

Madame: Please, don’t interrupt me, Albert. I know what you’re going to say. You will say that it is too early for me to think about death, that I will live to be a hundred. (18) But let me tell you something, my dear old friend. There are a few things in life that can’t be changed. People are mortal, Albert, whether they like it or not. And when they reach a certain age, they start thinking about death. I think about it sometimes. Don’t you? I also think about this little creature who has no one but me in this world. In this cruel world. I just want to make sure (19) that he is taken good care of after I’m gone. (20) Do you understand me?

Stanton: I do.

Madame: Very well. Then all you have to do is to draw up my last will for me. (21)

Stanton: I will do that tonight. Do you want to make Bijou your sole beneficiary? (22)

Madame: I want him to be the first beneficiary.

Stanton: So, there will be a second one, also?

Madame: Dogs don’t live very long. At least, not as long as humans. (23) Should something happen to Bijou or should he die childless (24), I want the estate to pass to George. (25)

Stanton: Who the hell is George? (26) Please pardon my French. (27)

Madame: It is my butler’s first name.

Stanton: Do you mean to say that you’re going to leave your estate to the butler?

Madame: I do indeed.

Stanton: But, Madeleine, you hardly know him! How long has he been with you? Five months? Six?

Madame: Four.

Stanton: Four months! And, as far as I can remember (28), he wasn’t able to produce any references. All you know about him is what he himself has told you. He may turn out to be a crook or an escaped convict. (29)

Madame: He has the soul of an artist.

Stanton: You can’t be serious, Madeleine. The soul of an artist! Has he told you so?

Madame: I have heard him play. Believe me, he is another Paganini. (30)

Stanton: If he is another Paganini, then how come I’ve never heard of him? (31)

Madame: He never plays in public. He is much too shy for that. (32)

Stanton: Paganini or not, but there is something phony about this fellow. (33)

Bijou: Bow-wow!

Stanton: You see, Bijou agrees with me.

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