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  3. Владислав Ларин

Архив «Экологической гласности». 1988-2016

Владислав Ларин
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Книга объединила статьи автора и беседы с экспертами об экологических проблемах и путях их решения, опубликованные с 1988 по 2016 годы. Является наиболее полным справочником для интересующихся проблемами экологии, энергетики и экономики охраны природы бывшего СССР и современной России. В эту книгу не вошли статьи автора, по материалам которых были опубликованы отдельные книги.


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Author and his book

Vladislav Larin is a researcher, analyst, ecologist, professional traveler, eco-designer, writer, scientific journalist, photographer. Author of dozens of books and hundreds of articles published in different countries and mainly devoted to the problems of anthropogenic impact on the environment. He worked thirty-three years in the journal of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences «Energy: economics, technology, ecology», where he headed the Department for the study of environmental issues. He has degree M.Sc. (Master of Science) in Environmental Sciences and Policy, diploma from the University of Manchester, UK, 1998.

It would seem that it is difficult to prepare a book in the XXI century, consisting of previous publications. Collect the texts of all the works from your computer into one file and send it to the publisher. But in reality, this work took several months.

The fact is that a significant part of the publications was written and prepared long before the computer appeared on my desktop. At best, they existed in the form of text written by hand or typed on a typewriter. But in most cases, the source texts were not preserved, so we had to look for the publications themselves. And to do this, it was necessary to remember what, where and when it was published, find each publication and translate it into a text file. Try to find some publication you are interested in in a Soviet newspaper thirty-five years ago…

After the appearance of my computer, there was a problem of format incompatibility. It turned out that articles written in previous versions of the popular text editor refused to be opened by later versions of the same program, and format converters did not work. Then it was necessary to bring the design of all the articles to a single form so that they would look logically in the book edition.

In short, I have done all this work and now you have a unique book, a kind of collection of documents describing the history of the rise and fall of environmental work in the late USSR and in modern Russia. Read, analyse the past and prepare for the future. Sooner or later it will come. We need to be ready for this, so as not to start from scratch — as many of us started in the late seventies and early eighties of the last century.

The book combines the author’s articles and conversations with experts about environmental problems and ways to solve them, published from 1988 to 2016 years. It is the most comprehensive reference book for those interested in the problems of ecology, energy and economics of nature conservation of the former USSR and modern Russia. This book does not include the author’s articles, based on the materials of which individual books were published. The list is given below.

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