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  3. Владислав Ларин

Архив «Экологической гласности». 1988-2016

Владислав Ларин
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Книга объединила статьи автора и беседы с экспертами об экологических проблемах и путях их решения, опубликованные с 1988 по 2016 годы. Является наиболее полным справочником для интересующихся проблемами экологии, энергетики и экономики охраны природы бывшего СССР и современной России. В эту книгу не вошли статьи автора, по материалам которых были опубликованы отдельные книги.


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What is not included in this book

When I gathered together all my publications in the press for the period from 1988 to 2016 years, which seemed to me interesting and worthy of inclusion in the book, I realized that such a volume would not fit in one very large book. Well, there was no need, since many previously published individual materials subsequently became comprehensive studies and books, completer and more structured compared to journal versions. These books can still be found in libraries or purchased in online stores in both paper and electronic form. Amongst them:

Catalogue of primary sources of environmental information for the territory of the former USSR, 1995;

The catalogue includes about three hundred titles and descriptions of published collections of environmental data prepared by governmental and non-governmental organizations of the USSR and the Russian Federation in the period from 1966 to 1995. It is possible to purchase paper and electronic versions.

Review of the System of Environmental Monitoring in the Russian Federation and Former Soviet Union and Related Environmental Policy Issues, 1997;

The dissertation for the degree of Master of Science in Environmental Sciences and Policy, the original (in English) is kept in the library of Central European University (Vienna / Budapest).

«Mayak» Combine — a problem for the ages, 2001;

The book is the most comprehensive reference book on the problems of the industrial association «Mayak» combine in the Urals, which produced almost all the plutonium for the Soviet atomic weapons program. It is possible to purchase paper and electronic versions.

Nature Protection of Russia: from Gorbachev to Putin, 2003;

The most complete book in Russian about the creation, structure and activities of state and public environmental organizations in the USSR and Russia in the period from the mid-1960s to the early 2000s. It is possible to purchase paper and electronic versions.

Russian Nuclear Industry: the Need for Reforms, 2004;

Chapter 4 «Economics of the Russian Nuclear Industry» — author Vladislav Larin. Published in Russian and English, there are paper and electronic versions.

Russian Atomic Sharks, 2005;

The most complete book in Russian about the Soviet and Russian military nuclear submarine fleet — systematics, creation, accident rate, disposal problems, prospects. It is possible to purchase paper and electronic versions.

Renewables in Russian Regions. The current status of renewable energy resources in Russia and outlook for future use. Analysis of the characteristics of renewable energy in Murmansk, Yaroslavl’ and Altay Regions of the Russian Federation. Recommendations for researchers, politicians and business leaders, 2006—2007.

Published in Russian and English, it is possible to purchase paper and electronic versions.

The most expensive program: How to rescue Russia from its nuclear past, 2009;

Analyzing Federal Target Program for Nuclear and Radiation Safety for 2008 through 2015). Published in Russian and English.

An Environmental History of Russia, Cambridge University Press, 2013;

Published in English. Available for purchase on the Cambridge University Press website.

Now here is a book that combines all my publications in the media on the environmental and economic problems of the USSR and Russia for the period from 1988 to 2016 years, which were not included in the listed publications. This book may be of interest to researchers of modern environmental problems, students of specialized universities, for a wide range of interested readers.

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