Me, you, him, her, it, us, you, them
Слова me, you, him, her, it, us, you и them — личные местоимения в объектном падеже.
8. Me

it’s = it is
Запомните слова:
me — мне, меня
look — смотреть
at — на, в
look at — смотреть на
can — мочь
mirror — зеркало
recognize — узнавать
in — в
mask — маска
Переведите примеры:
It’s me. (разговорный английский, современный стиль)
It is I. (официальный английский, устаревший стиль)
(It’s me. = It is I.)
Look at me!
Can you see me?
Can you see me in the mirror?
Can you recognize me?
Can you recognize me in the mask?
9. You

Запомните слова:
cannot — не могу, не можем
hear — слышать
but — но
yes — да
Переведите примеры:
Is it you, Jack?
I can see you.
I can hear you.
I cannot recognize you.
I can see and hear you, but I cannot recognize you.
Yes, it is you!
10. Him

Запомните слова:
him — его, ему
king — король
beat — бить, побеждать
compete — соперничать
with — с
compete with — соперничать с
disobey — не подчиняться
argue — спорить
argue with — спорить с
Переведите примеры:
Is it Batman?
Yes, it is him! (разговорный английский)
Is it King Arthur?
Yes, it is he. (официальный английский)
(it is him = it is he)
It is Batman.
Can you compete with him?
Yes. I can beat him.
It is King Arthur.
Can you disobey him?
Yes, I can argue with him.
11. Her

Запомните слова:
her — ее, ей
who — кто
bride — невеста
queen — королева
no — нет
left — левый
right — правый
on — на
on the left — слева
on the right — справа
do — делать
does — делает
look — смотреть
like — нравиться; как
look like — выглядеть как
admire — восхищаться
ask — спрашивать
Переведите примеры:
Who is the bride? Is it Maria?
Yes, it’s her. (разговорный английский)
Is it Queen Elizabeth?
Yes, it is she. (официальный английский)
No, it is not she!
(it is her = it is she)
The woman on the left is a bride.
Do you like her?
I admire her.
The woman on the right is not Queen Elizabeth.
She does not look like her.
Ask her who she is!
12. It

Запомните слова:
it — это, он, она, оно
monkey — обезьяна
cute — забавный
hold — держать
holding — держащий
play — играть
flute — флейта
Переведите примеры:
It is a cute monkey.
Do you like it?
I like it!
The monkey is holding a flute.
Can the monkey play it?
Can it play it?
The monkey cannot play the flute.
The monkey cannot play it.
It cannot play it.
13. Us

Запомните слова:
us — нам, нас
friend — друг
friends — друзья
your — ваш (и)
know — знать
very — очень
well — хорошо
Переведите примеры:
It’s us, your friends! (разговорный английский)
It is we, the King and the Queen. (официальный английский)
(it’s us = it is we)
Look at us!
Can you recognize us?
You know us very well.
14. Them

Запомните слова:
them — им, их
horse — лошадь
win — побеждать
winner — победитель
behold — увидеть, узреть
knight — рыцарь
support — поддерживать
fan — фанат
of — (предлог, указывает на принадлежность)
Переведите примеры:
Look at the horse and the boy.
It’s them who are the winners! (разговорный английский)
Behold the knights!
It is they who are the winners! (официальный английский)
(it’s them = it is they)
I know them.
Do you support them?
I am a fan of them.
Повторение: разделы 8—14
Выберите подходящий вариант в скобках.
1. It’s (me, I). (разговорный английский)
2. It is (me, I) (официальный английский)
3. Look at (me, I)!
4. Can you see (me, I) in the mirror?
5. Can you recognize (me, I) in the mask?
6. I can see and hear (you, me, I), but I cannot recognize you.
7. It is (he, him)! (разговорный английский)
8. Can you disobey (he, him)?
9. Yes, I can argue with (he, him).
10. It is (she, her). (официальный английский)
11. Do you like (she, her)?
12. I admire (she, her).
13. She does not look like (she, her).
14. Ask (she, her) who she is!
15. It is a cute monkey. Do you like (him, her, it)?
16. It’s (we, us), your friends! (разговорный английский)
17. Look at (we, us)!
18. Can you recognize (we, us)?
19. It is (they, them) who are the winners! (официальный английский)
20. I know (they, them).
21. Do you support (they, them)?
22. I am a fan of (they, them).
1. It’s me.
2. It is I.
3. Look at me!
4. Can you see me in the mirror?
5. Can you recognize me in the mask?
6. I can see and hear you, but I cannot recognize you.
7. It is him!
8. Can you disobey him?
9. Yes, I can argue with him.
10. It is she.
11. Do you like her?
12. I admire her.
13. She does not look like her.
14. Ask her who she is!
15. It is a cute monkey. Do you like it?
16. It’s us, your friends!
17. Look at us!
18. Can you recognize us?
19. It is they who are the winners!
20. I know them.
21. Do you support them?
22. I am a fan of them.