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Местоимения в английском языке с переводом в примерах

Арцун Акопян
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В учебном пособии «Местоимения в английском языке с переводом в примерах» содержатся все местоимения, используемые в разговорном английском. Учебный материал состоит из примеров местоимений в предложениях, иллюстраций и упражнений.Типы местоимений, включенные в книгу: личные местоимения в именительном падеже, личные местоимения в объектном падеже, указательные, притяжательные, возвратные, неопределенные, взаимные, вопросительные и относительные местоимения.Для начального и среднего уровня.


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This, that, these, those

Слова this, that, these и thoseуказательные местоимения. Они также могут использоваться как указательные прилагательные.

15. This/that woman

Запомните слова:

this — это, этот

that — то, тот

the — этот, тот (определенный артикль, обычно не переводится)

here — здесь

there — там

another — другой

Переведите примеры:

This is a woman.

The woman is here.

She is here.

This woman is here.

That is another woman.

The woman is there.

She is there.

That woman is there.

16. This/that dog

Запомните слово:

dog — собака

Переведите примеры:

This is a dog.

The dog is here.

It is here.

This dog is here.

That is another dog.

The dog is there.

It is there.

That dog is there.

17. This/that ball

Запомните слово:

ball — мяч

Переведите примеры:

This is a ball.

The ball is here.

It is here.

This ball is here.

That is another ball.

The ball is there.

It is there.

That ball is there.

18. These/those people

Запомните слова:

these — эти

those — те

two — два

nearby — поблизости

run — бегать

running — бегущий

other — другой, другие

far — далекий

away — прочь, далеко

far away — далеко

walk — ходить пешком

walking — идущий пешком

Переведите примеры:

These are people.

Two people are nearby.

They are running.

These people are running.

Those are two other people.

They are far away.

They are walking.

Those people are walking.

19. These/those horses

Запомните слова:

horses — лошади

stand — стоять

standing — стоящий

Переведите примеры:

These are horses.

The horses are nearby.

They are running.

These horses are running.

Those are other horses.

The horses are far away.

They are standing.

Those horses are standing.

20. These/those books

Запомните слова:

book — книга

books — книги

on — на

table — стол

on the table — на столе

shelf — полка

shelves — полки

on the shelves — на полках

Переведите примеры:

These are books.

The books are here.

They are on the table.

These books are on the table.

Those are other books.

The books are there.

They are on the shelves.

Those books are on the shelves.

Повторение: разделы 15—20

Используйте this, that, these или those, чтобы заполнить пробелы в предложениях.

1. __________ ball is here.

2. __________ people are running. They are nearby.

3. __________ people are walking. They are far away.

4. __________ dog is there.

5. __________ horses are running. They are nearby.

6. __________ woman is here.

7. __________ ball is there.

8. __________ horses are standing. They are far away.

9. __________ dog is here.

10. __________ books are on the table. They are here.

11. __________ books are on the shelves. They are there.

12. __________ woman is there.


1. This ball is here.

2. These people are running. They are nearby.

3. Those people are walking. They are far away.

4. That dog is there.

5. These horses are running. They are nearby.

6. This woman is here.

7. That ball is there.

8. Those horses are standing. They are far away.

9. This dog is here.

10. These books are on the table. They are here.

11. Those books are on the shelves. They are there.

12. That woman is there.

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