Книга содержит размышления автора на русском и английском языках, чисто философский подход. Что мы чувствуем, как и почему – мыслим ли мы все одинаково? Что такое любовь? Верно ли, что любовь одна, а объекты любви – разные.
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So this is how it works…
I’ve been wondering what happens to love in universe? The theory says that all our thoughts and words are materialized. So the question is — where goes all the love inside me? Which planet it feeds? What it transforms into? Why I cannot see what happens to my years and years and years dedicated to loving the life? Probably this is the response to the question — what is life? Probably life is granted to you because of someone else’s love? Just this way — my love has granted life to some of creatures on this planet… The saying goes God is love. So our love is the Creator? so our love is responsible for what we see around? People hate now more than they love and hence so many people die for nothing… We all have that duty on this planet. To love. This is the source of continuity in everything. The day we all stop loving, the Earth will come to end. My darling… u say you do not believe in love. You are confessing to me that you do not believe in God… Because Love is god, and god is Love:) I have not seen my love materialize in universe but I have reasons to believe that it goes a long way and finds its way to new life. This is the true connection with the universe. This is the true way of doing the right thing. Just be responsible for what you feel. And feel what is to be felt without remorse. It is a gift to you. Indeed you are so largely endowed with this gift…
Приведённый ознакомительный фрагмент книги Размышления в тему и без предоставлен нашим книжным партнёром — компанией ЛитРес.
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