Книга содержит размышления автора на русском и английском языках, чисто философский подход. Что мы чувствуем, как и почему – мыслим ли мы все одинаково? Что такое любовь? Верно ли, что любовь одна, а объекты любви – разные.
Приведённый ознакомительный фрагмент книги Размышления в тему и без предоставлен нашим книжным партнёром — компанией ЛитРес.
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Dont give me piece of your mind. All I need is peace of mind
Somewhere far away in the universe lives my soul. I know who took it away and I don’t mind because he needs it more than I do. It has to go that far to come back to me improved and to teach me things I still don’t know. Learned to stop asking the question «why» because no one who could answer is near. No one who could look into my eyes and give me the answers to one or two of my «why"s. It does not make sense anyway, because the moment you find the answers the questions change:) the quote is not mine but it is totally my case. I love this life and this life seems to love me back with all its heart. This is the philosophy I am living with and this is the truth I believe in. Everyone believes his own god. I believe that my soul is in safe hands now because I miss it so much. Who sent my body here and forgot to attach me to all the necessary attributes I need to go on with? I don’t know but whoever did it, was a Master:) There is one thing I know for sure. Nothing makes sense, so no need to find sense in everything. Do not rationalize, just do what makes you feel happy and does not make others unhappy. These are both equal values I live with. If someone has better answers I will be glad to… CONSIDER. But not change. If I change, I will get lost, because the path is clearer now than ever, and the light is visible. I yearned for peace of mind, and I got it. Where is my soul now? Did you get your peace of mind? Was this what you wanted, my soul? I hope so, because otherwise I want you back to safety with me. I will not let anyone hurt you any more:.
Приведённый ознакомительный фрагмент книги Размышления в тему и без предоставлен нашим книжным партнёром — компанией ЛитРес.
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