Government Promotes Special Support of Crimean Wine
Russian government officials are asking retailers to give special support to Crimean wine producers in an attempt to help that sector of the peninsula’s economy.
On Wednesday representatives of the biggest retail groups working in Russia and major Crimean wine producers had a meeting with Moscow region Governor Andrei Vorobyov, also attended by officials from Moscow and St. Petersburg. The retailers were asked to help the Crimean wine industry by providing special shelves for their wines and organizing wine-tasting sessions in stores.
«We are not asking for special treatment, but we would like the retailers to pay attention to the complicated situation we are in,» said Mikhail Shtyrlin, general director of Crimean wine company Legendy Kruma, who attended the meeting with Vorobyov.
Last year Russia consumed 25 million bottles of the peninsula’s wine. Shtyrlin also said that Crimean vintners are trying to solve their problems together and are planning to create a Union of Crimean wine producers. This may help the industry in the long term, he added. The X5 retail group, owner of chain stores Pyatyorochka and Perekryostok, said Thursday that the company has not decided yet whether to give special treatment to Crimean wine products. Retail chain Dixy said the firm is open to negotiations with Crimean wine makers and added that the government officials’ requests seem doable. Metro Cash and Carry also said it is ready to discuss giving special attention for Crimean wine.
add прибавлять, добавлять
attempt попытка
attend посещать, присутствовать
chain stores сеть магазинов
complicated сложный
consume потреблять
create создавать
decide решать
doable выполнимый
government правительство
long term долгосрочный период
negotiation переговоры
owner владелец
pay attention обращать внимание
peninsula полуостров
promote содействовать, помогать
representative представитель
request требование, просьба
retailer розничный торговец
seem казаться, представляться
shelf (shelves) полка, стеллаж
solve (a problem) решать
store крупный торговый центр
support поддержка, помощь
treatment обращение, обхождение
try пытаться
vintner винодел, виноторговец
wine-testing session сеанс дегустации