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  3. А. Авраменко

Writing на 5+. Книга для ученика

А. Авраменко
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В данном пособии предлагаются задания на подготовку к творческим (письменным) заданиям на английском языке. Задания представлены в 6 уроках (6 units) и разделены на три раздела:Warm up! (снятие когнитивных трудностей), Language Practice (снятие языковых трудностей) и Writing (снятие речевых трудностей). В конце пособия даны ключи, справочник и схема написания эссе.


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Unit 5

Unit 6

Exam Task

Comment on the following statement.

1. A person who is fluent in a foreign language can easily work as an interpreter (Demo 2014).

2. It’s easier to make friends than to keep them (Demo 2015).

3. It’s not right to be strict with little children (Demo 2016).

What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement?

Write 200—250 words.

Use the following plan:

— make an introduction (state the problem)

— express your personal opinion and give 2—3 reasons for your opinion

— express an opposing opinion and give 1—2 reasons for this opposing opinion — explain why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion

— make a conclusion restating your position


Exercise 6.1

Decide on your opinion and write a plan, following the scheme:

1. A person who is fluent in a foreign language can easily work as an interpreter (Demo 2014).

2. It’s easier to make friends than to keep them (Demo 2015).

3. It’s not right to be strict with little children (Demo 2016).


Exercise 6.2 (Subject Matter)

Paraphrase (express the same ideas in other words) the topic applying expressions from the table:

1. A person who is fluent in a foreign language can easily work as an interpreter (Demo 2014).

2. It’s easier to make friends than to keep them (Demo 2015).

3. It’s not right to be strict with little children (Demo 2016).

Exercise 6.3 (Topic Sentence)

Express in one sentence your opinion on the topic applying the following expressions:

1. A person who is fluent in a foreign language can easily work as an interpreter (Demo 2014).

2. It’s easier to make friends than to keep them (Demo 2015).

3. It’s not right to be strict with little children (Demo 2016).

Exercise 6.4 (Vocabulary)

Find synonyms for the KEY words from the topic sentence:

1. A person who is fluent in a foreign language can easily work as an interpreter (Demo 2014).

2. It’s easier to make friends than to keep them (Demo 2015).

3. It’s not right to be strict with little children (Demo 2016).

Main Part

Exercise 6.5 (Argumentation)

Find and correct mistakes in the arguments for the opinion that:

Some people think that in the nearest future the majority of people will live in cities and towns, not in the countryside

1. In the XX century cities were growing rapidly.

2. Everyone in Russia wants to live in Moscow.

3. In the nearest future all people will need the Internet to work.

4. The transport systems of big cities will be the main concern for the government.

5. Life in the countryside is boring.

Exercise 6.6 (Argumentation)

Find arguments for your opinion on the topic and put them in different forms:


Some people think that when children reach the age of 18 and finish school they can and should start living on their own.

• Fact: Teens are not able to earn enough money to live on their own.

• Generalization: Boys do not know what to do if anything does not work at home and girls cannot cook — children do not have enough skills in housekeeping.

• Illustration: Teen marriages unfortunately are unhappy.

• Definition: Youth is the only period in life for education.

• Example: I do not want to leave my parents as they help me in many fields.

• Analysis: The earlier one starts living on his own, the sooner he becomes bored.

• Comparison: A young girl living on her own is always in danger like a lonely kitten lost in the street.

• Adding details: If one starts to live on his own, this means that he faces all adult problems, like responsibility, poverty, hunger, cruelty, etc.

1. A person who is fluent in a foreign language can easily work as an interpreter (Demo 2014).

2. It’s easier to make friends than to keep them (Demo 2015).

3. It’s not right to be strict with little children (Demo 2016).


Exercise 6.7

Paraphrase your topic sentence from Exercise 3 making conclusions and applying:

All in all, in brief, on the whole, to sum up, in conclusion.

Конец ознакомительного фрагмента.

Unit 5


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