The art of poetry

Olga Moon, 2019

This is the first book of a poetess named OLGA MOON, who started writing her first works from adolescence. It presents Russian intellectual poetry of the 21st century and has been translated into two world languages: English, Spanish. This ART OF POETRY will immerse you in the passionate bliss of love's never-ending journey. About the most important feeling of every person. I wish everyone to dive to the bottom o f their pleasures of the senses!


Well, it was me and you

It's our fault with you for two.

But we learned ourselves

only recently.

It's only been a few days.

We wanted to fix it.

Every morning,

I woke up and saw your brown eyes.

And I admired your voice.

I hugged you saying, ”I just love you”,

How I miss you, my darling.

You're only one man for me!

Only you write me these lines.

You are my love.

You'll be forever recorded in my heart.

Save my beloved, the key to our love.

Well, it was me and you.

* * *

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