Make your dream come true in 1 day

Natalya Diyak

The book is the journey from complete shut-down into my personal freedom.This was a 30-day challenge, arranged by my friend, and it inspired me so much that I decided to make it into a book. I hope you will also enjoy reading it, and, who knows, probably, you might decide to try some of the ideas for yourself. I know one thing for sure – the journey is transformative, after you have accomplished it, you will definitely be a better version of yourself. Have fun!


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(c) Photo by Ksenia Makagonova on Unsplash

«Nothing is impossible in life. I am trying to convey this simple thought to all of humanity through my work, my own life. Try and you will be cool!» (Will Smith)

Today’s task: to read a book in a day. YES! 700 pages in an EPUB reader («Unlock you: Be Calm, Confident and Happy in just 10 Minutes A Day,» Andy Barker, Beth Wood).

I’m not a spead-reader, I’m even not standing near such a person.

Was it difficult? Yes, I had to give up all my favorite routines in the morning (sports, morning pages, online learning). Yes, and the house chores are paused. (Tomorrow I’ll catch up).

One of the side-effects — more carbohydrates were eaten than necessary. Apparently, the brain in this mode requested compensation.

What are the insights?

It is feasible to read a book in a day, if you set it as your goal. But it is rather stressful to read in such a way permanently, even if this is a book on how to cope with stress.

Everything is possible if you set a goal and do not lose the focus. And this applies not only to reading books.



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Приведённый ознакомительный фрагмент книги Make your dream come true in 1 day предоставлен нашим книжным партнёром — компанией ЛитРес.

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