I have some good news and some bad news. Bad news: doing business with the Chinese, you have lost at everything. The good news is, I will help you win this war. This book contains a 7-year experience in negotiating with the Chinese. The detailed review of all the necessary aspects for successful negotiations at any level. You will learn what is the difference between the style of negotiating with the Chinese from ours and how to benefit from it. Make the Chinese play by your rules.
Приведённый ознакомительный фрагмент книги Negotiating with Chinese предоставлен нашим книжным партнёром — компанией ЛитРес.
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Chapter 1. The Chinese. Who are they?
This chapter is about the Chinese mentality and outlook. We shall also look through some key notions that are essential for effective negotiations.
For a while, the Chinese were cut off from the rest of the world (China is surrounded by mountains and sea). They were also more advanced than other peoples were at the time. So, it is no surprise that the Chinese thought themselves superior to and better than anyone else. In other words, they believed to be the center of the world. The Chinese believed they were the only society worth studying and so did not bother to explore their neighboring lands, which, as they believed, were inhabited exclusively by barbarians. This is where ethnocentrism comes from, as well as the country’s name, 中国, or «Middle Nation».
Ancient Chinese maps locate the country in the center of the world, too. Even when the Europeans came to China, they had to place it in the center of their maps, to avoid displeasing the emperor.
Certain of their moral and ideological superiority over all other peoples, the Chinese found it hard to learn new things, which is why the country retained many ancient features until the 19 century.
Nevertheless, they were able to learn from the West, adopt its best practices, adjust them to their needs and thus evolve even further, nourishing the belief that they were the superior nation.
They keep proving it today, too:
1. Almost every country has transferred its production to China;
2. The Chinese can copy anything you show them, but cheaper;
3. The Chinese still believe they are superior to every nation in the world and they still see everyone else as barbarians.
Keep this in mind at all times when you do business with the Chinese. From their point of view, you are a barbarian, a primitive being, meaning they can and will deceive you and can and will break all verbal and written contracts (we will return to the specifics of the term «contract» later). When negotiating with Chinese suppliers, remember this: they will never see you as an equal; you will never be one of them; they will always be thinking of ways to profit at your expense.
This is why you have to be alert. You can kid yourself all you want, but do not expect equality when it comes to the Chinese, ever. Consider this or do not work with them at all. Period.
I was the only one in my year to attend lectures on ancient Chinese literature. This was my schoolmates’ Unforgivable Mistake #1.
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Приведённый ознакомительный фрагмент книги Negotiating with Chinese предоставлен нашим книжным партнёром — компанией ЛитРес.
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