Внутренняя звезда земли. Фэнтези-сериал. Русско-английская версия

Art Dalyna

Небольшие истории, собранные под одной книжной обложкой, похожи на выразительные художественные зарисовки. Это таинственные сны, которые привиделись автору звездными ночами.Пять снов аккуратно вплетены в общее литературное полотно, крупными мазками раскрывают сюжет и добавляют яркие детали в общее повествование.Автор объединил два направления, в результате получились одновременно и красочный альбом, и интересная книга.



Somewhere in the immeasurable, but actual Centre of the Earth, found by us, is situated the Fiveedged Star bringing the healing from its four edges, but taking the strength away from its fifth edge. From each sharp edge of the Star flows the magical energy. The main Heroes are lucky to be born and live in Her Heart. In the Centre of the Star there is more one: the Buddhas’ Centre, where are meeting the Buddhist Virgins. And all the Virgins are meeting on business. But one of them is quite idle to the adventures on the Earth, travelling on each edge of the Earth Star and among them, too. So this story knitted from the atmospheric experiences and Impressions is about these adventures. And also about the other Heroines, which are no less mystical Virgins because they also live in the district of the Earth Star. Like a famous Mermaid, the Buddhist Virgin infused with human goods stays living on the Earth, devoting herself not to the prince, but to the favourite deed: Knitting and Writing the Books with Knitting Needles!

About it and not only, gathering on the North edge of the Earth Star, along the railways at starry Nights, having the Gifts, — knit their magical Stories: about the Planet Nibiru, the Spirit Mountain, the Beast — Scorpion Spider, the magic Lake, the Virgins with the Gifts, the Earth Star…

The author of this story is a real Artist. She writes her works as if using the paints on canvas, creating the literary glazes and masterfully using techniques of light improvisations and wonders; like David Lynch, a producer, whom the author, having an exquisite name Dalyna, sincerely sympathizes.

What Secrets does she reveal? This imaginative literature is born in the Valley of Art, and exactly, in the strange place called Daugavpils, what means ‘ Castle on the River Daugava’ and is based on real mystical events of this town similar to Twin Peaks…


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