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  3. Artur Zadikyan

Parallel Worlds pro et contra

Artur Zadikyan (2024)
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When is our mind born? After all, we don't remember our birth. And what happened before that, when we were formed in our mother's body? What is the beginning of our appearance in this world? After all, when a man and a woman performed a ritual and a sperm came together with an egg, we began. Two met and sent two to meet. Then a thought appeared and following the rule of logic gave birth to the mind. Entangled pairs of particles fly apart to incredible distances and maintain an instantaneous connection, overthrowing all the complex laws of the universe. Alas, we wish for a miracle when we doubt it, but we live in it because it is a reality. The book consists of two volumes: "Parallel Worlds One: Fire and Flame" and "Parallel Worlds Two: The Birth of God"


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Chapter 3. The intrigue of the beginning

— You're awake, and you're not dreaming.

— What?

— Listen. This is happening in your world.

Ruthra saw the council meeting. His friend and colleague was gesticulating and talking emotionally. He saw, as if from above, everyone at once. But that wasn't what struck Ruthra. What struck him was that he saw among them a person who should not have been there according to all the laws of physics. By all the laws he thought were unshakable. Rutra saw himself.

–…However, please understand my further methodology of proposing, presenting and even explaining the project. Not everyone is proficient in this area. Not everyone is well versed in the exact sciences. Now how can I say this so as not to offend… I will be listened to, the topic studied and approved by more than just the board members. Right? That's right. And, no offense, there's a lot of people in the system — financiers, military, specialists in other fields.

— Mr. Doctor, let's get on topic,"the chairman asked rather loudly and firmly.

— Okay, here I go. Everything that can be imagined exists. Otherwise it can't be imagined. The idea of the world is in the brain, in representations. The many-worlds interpretation, or the Everett interpretation, is an interpretation of quantum mechanics that assumes the existence (in a sense) of"parallel universes", each with the same laws of nature and the same world constants in different states.

The Council did not need to be told about the scientific background of the theory of multiple worlds. For the average person such a thing was perceived as a fantasy, because not everyone knew that there was a scientific basis for the existence of parallel worlds. There were several explanations, among them — the Copenhagen interpretation, Everett's many-worlds interpretation and other similar ones. The point is that the scientific community studied this issue, so no one could take the speaker's words lightly. Everyone tried to understand how it was possible, knowing his past, no less fantastic ideas, which still managed to materialize.

This time he stated that indeed there are these parallel worlds, moreover — they are an exact copy of ours. As proof, the scientist cited quantum teleportation. Since not everyone to whom he presented his program understood the subtleties of his reasoning, the speaker made detailed explanations.

— Now a little scientific justification of cloning methods, digitalization of memory and existence of other civilizations that exactly repeat our world. For example, everyone knows about animal cloning and the technique of rapid breeding of, for example, broiler chickens. This is how, by slightly transforming the technology, we make human clones. A person is"created"within a year. The next stage is loading consciousness into him. It seems incredible, but it's much simpler than that. This is achieved by recording the brain radiation and then converting this radiation into a form that affects the chemical reactions in the brain. In this way, one brain state is transmitted to another. After all, you are not surprised when your thoughts, converted by you into words (and scientifically into waves of sound), travel to the ear, from there to the brain, and there cause the desired reactions. You can read about the existence of brain waves, their transmission to the apparatuses in the network. For example, you can use your thoughts to type what you read. Not with words, but with thoughts. All this is already real. Now the question is: Are there other worlds? This can be answered in terms of both religion and science. It's a win-win to convince you. Surely you either believe in god or science, and most people believe in both in different interpretations. So, let's take an example from the Bible, and in almost all known religions there is a mention of other worlds:"And the other inhabitants of the universe have not fallen". And the scientific example is based on probability and imagination about infinity. Here you are, can you imagine infinity, for example, of time and space? Whatever magnitude you imagine — there must be something beyond it. From this follows a logical conclusion: there is everything in infinity. And if you have doubts now, it means that you have imagined the smallest part of this infinity.

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